nice portrait there. I am running out of time, I have been on here for stupi hours and the dogs are going crazy.
But just a note to let you know I like this and am following you to see it develop, and yourself.
Do you do other work apart from realism?
I go crazy doing realistic work too long in a row (three months for example) and have to mix it up with my #abstractpointlessism
Hey that actually worked, shame I haven't used that tag too many times yet.
Still a newbie here, but it's exciting to see some artists with talent.
gotta run
Oh yeah - I do comics stuff too. I do a lot of abstract stuff in this steemit account as well. Check out some of my earlier feed from a month or so ago and you can see some big dumps of work besides the realism. I got into realism quite young so it goes fast for me. I actually find it more time consuming to break from the realism sometimes as a good "style" is just as demanding in time as my realism.