Original Fractal «Pearly Universes» (creation lesson inside) (my own work)

in #art8 years ago

Work is performed in the program Apophysis. I offer travel to pearl Universes. There it is possible to reach on magic carpet. Join.


It is published on my page

This fractal consists of 3 triangles. And still we final triangle is applicable. Here are their parameters:
1 triangle:


Other parameters are left with values by default.

2 triangle:


3 triangle:


Final triangle:


Other parameters are left with values by default.
You as well can move a final triangle by the mousy and to receive new original drawings.

Here such triangles turned out:


The first triangle badly it is visible, as he very small.

Turn and scale:


Rendering parameters:


I received here such fractal. But he is not enough bright.


I applied my favourite Lightroom (preset Old Polar + increase of colours brightness) and received here it.



Как всегда, - фантастично, феерично и сказочно! Спасибо, порадовали в очередной раз. Действительно уносишься мыслями и воображением в далекие Вселенные...

Спасибо! Приглашаю учиться вместе.

Очень здорово получилось! И картинка, и цвета - одни из самых моих любимых.

Спасибо! Но выбор пока маловат, учусь только. Удачным получается один из трех-четырех.

Is this program available for Linux?

I did not search for this information, I use Windows.

The result is amazing! It looks like a something nature not a computer.

Thank you!