Photoshop shortcuts: 21Tips that will change the flow of your work.

in #art9 years ago (edited)

Hi steemers

 Photoshop is a powerful tool for photographers, artists and illustrators. If you aim to master it there are some shortcuts you will need to get familiar with. Let's go straight to those little tricks that will make your skills explode and will minimize the time you spend working on Photoshop.

  • Duplicate Layer: cntrl+J
  • New layer: shft+cntrl+N
  • Merge selected layers: cntrl+E
  • Smaller + Larger brush: use the brackets [  ]
  • Brush opacity: after selecting a brush type a number and that will be translated to opacity.
  • Layer opacity: Choose a layer and type the number you wish for
  • Undo: shft+cntrl+Z
  • Redo: shft+cntrl+U
  • Switch primary and secondary colors: X
  • Bucket tool: G
  • Wand tool: W
  • Eraser tool: E
  • Brush tool: B
  • Zoom tool: S
  • Fit on screen: cntrl+0
  •  Decrease Brush Softness: shft+[
  •  Increase Brush Softness: shft+]
  • Flow tool:  shft+ 1-0
  •  Hide/Show Palettes: Tab (`~ key)
  •  Next Point on Curves Adjustmen:cntrl+tab
  •  Show Keyboard Commands:  Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K (The most important shortcut no one ever mentions it, This will display all the shortcuts for you any time your head just can't remember what you where supposed to do.) 

I hope those little daily tips will save you time and make you better and faster at whatever it is you are aiming to do.

Have fun. If you find my articles informative and useful consider to follow me for more informative content that will come.

Are you having troubles with your markdown edit skills? check out my throughout tutorial here

Sincerely @skapaneas


I used Photoshop daily...about 10 years ago and probably forgot more shortcuts than I remember. This is definitely helpful! Thank you. :)

Very informative. thanks for the list

you are welcome!

lol, this is actually very useful. Photoshop is awful to use with just the mouse.

shortcuts can make the difference, I know from my self my productivity has jumped leap tremendusly with the use of the appropriate shortcuts. I hope this will be a big helper for everyone.

thanks for the info. up for you

You are very welcome my friend. thanks for your support. I hope those tips will be of a good use for everyone.

Nice tips, these will come in handy :D

I am glad you think you will have a use for them.
Always here to help out those that need a hand to boost their talents.

I will check your blog asap.