A long time ago, when I was young and full of energy, I loved to go to dance with my friends 1/2 times a week. Short skirt, high heels, pump up the volume and dance all night long!
The years pass and go away, so my favorite activities in the Saturday night are:
1) wearing my pajamas and the slippers
2) sitting on the sofa
3) watching the tv drinking big cups of hot milk (If I want to exaggerate I can add a bit of cinnamon powder in my milk)
So, I think the following artwork (watercolors on paper) it's perfect for tonight ;)
Good night to you all ^_^
Awesome ! I love your artwork ! And thanks so much for donateing 20 steem to my wallet ! Its much appreciated ! And im very overwhelmed by the communities support , thanks a bunch ! ❤✌💙👌
Thanks to you, @karenmckersie ! You're one of first nice people that I met here, generouse and cozy and I love to read your posts! ^_^ Hugs from Italy
Thanks !! Big Huggs Back! 🤗🤗🤗
Beautiful artwork! Upvoted. Read in your profile that you are Italian. I am Italian too. Resteemed.
Yes, I'm Italian! Sono toscana, ho visto che sei nuova, quindi se hai bisogno di informazioni chiedimi pure (non sono "vecchia" qui, ma in questo mese ho raccolto varie info utili). Non so se lo sai, ma su steemit.chat trovi anche un canale #italian, non è "frequentatissimo", ma c'è ^_^
Lieta di aver incontrato un'altra italiana. Grazie per la tua disponibilità.
Very glad to meet another Italian member. Thank you so much, @silviabeneforti, for your kindness.
Excellent work lady @silviabeneforti congratulations
Thanks so much, @jlufer ! After a relaxing night I can wake up better then after a Disco night :D