As I stated in a previous post, I'm starting a new graphic novel called Rio 2222A.D.
I will be sharing the development process with you guys and will be open to suggestions. I decided to create a main character. I want it to be an old lady who is slightly bitter with life. I first sketched out this idea of a thin hunched older woman wearing an exaggerated up-do.( I suppose references to the teacher in the Magic School bus are inevitable. What can I do, I'm a 90's kid.) I quickly decided to experiment with a more boxy style, a retro-futuristic 1960's look.
I liked that, but kept investigating other options:
I think I may be on to something. I liked the way the brush pen version came out. I'm digging the boxy feel.
What do you guys think? Do you have name suggestions for the character?
If Hank Hill and Peggy Hill had a kid. A kid that was not Bobby Hill, it would be this lady lol. Cool lively drawing and character.
That is so true! LOL! Thanks
Beautiful, keep up the good work :)
I read your other post to find out a bit more about the story line, but I guess it's still in development. I really like the boxy hair, she looks like she could be an Edna or Irene or maybe a Doris. That's the kind of vibes I'm getting :-)
Shut up! :-) I had thought of Irene! And Doris is not bad either. Are you reading my mind!!!
I've got no such mind reading skills unfortunately. Maybe I am just really feeling the vibes! Or maybe she's destined to be an Irene!
I suppose she must be :-)