Thanks again and take care,
KlaudiaWow, thank you so much! I read your whole post very carefully, and I feel soooo enlightened and empowered right now! Excellent explanations and helpful illustrations. I'm not sure if I'll be able to recreate your steps, but I will definitely try with some small design of mine! I know I have to start with digital art, however it's easier said than done. But you made it seem doable! Your tutorial is great, I'm looking forward to see more of your educational posts! And your art is simply mind-blowing, I've visited your website and tumblr, I'm sooo inspired right now. I'm so glad I've found you through @slothicorn on Discord. I think I've found myself a new mentor ;) Geez I'm under some very strong impression... haha!
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Alright!! @shinyforest. Great to know I contributed to your expression. Thanks for the great feedback. Feel free to ask me for help anytime.