
I've been enjoying your work, so I just bought your album! Thank you.

Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

And the album is great! There's some really surprising stuff in it. Really loving it.

Glad I stumbled upon you.

Love the diversity of this body of work of yours and am particularly drawn to the film homage inspired by Andre Masson and your collage with grid and circles.

For some very long while I have been unable to fully commit to my art practice due to hobbled living conditions. This is soon to change and your work and commitment to it has fired me up - roll on 2018!

Upvoted/Followed I look forward to virtually sharing your journey and wish you happiness, creativity and success for the New Year and beyond.


I invite you to pop by mine if you have time. I am an artist/writer/lightworker with much to say! I would surely love your thoughts on my most recent post:

Thank you! I've been fortunate to have able to dedicate as much time and focus as I have this past year. It was sort of unintentional at first, but my life's circumstances ended up leaving me with the time to pursue it. I hope 2018 brings you the changes you desire!