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RE: Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 03 / S.O.F.I.E.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Guys I've honestly been too tongue-tied to write my praise to you both for making this happen. But its already episode 3 so I just want you to know how much I love tuning in every day. Its such a treat. Yesterday we closed the curtains and binge-watched the first 2 episodes!! We had popcorn and everything. Best lunch-break ever. It was so great to see your old landlord again (we absolutely loved that film about him and his brother- unforgettable) And he was just standing in the stairwell shouting about rent! So freaking cool. And he looked genuinely beat up, his face all bruised, was real...? Such a character, well done for capturing him. And then, just all the strings you have pulled to get the shots, the scenes, the story, the dialogue...the soundscapes! In Episode 2, I really enjoyed poor old Paul and his terrible start to the day... Again the soundscapes of everything buzzing (I normally hate white noise but you did this so well I wanted to hear it all, switching off one by one). The track playing was amazing and I was literally dancing to the track and cringing for Paul at the same time. Good job on the sfx for the bilboards. Man I know that stuff takes time. And then, finally Episode 3! How did you even come across that cellar hatch under the stairs? Incredible, and spooky as hell. its like you would see somthing like that and think, 'if only a film was set here' and you did it! I'm curious to see what Jessie gets up to aswell, she seems a mysterious character and Im glad her and Cedric both got the job... well, glad and horrified. Im also just so pleased for you to have found a platform that you are embracing to share this project on, and the platform is embracing you, the love for you guys is real. And being able to communicate immediately with you as creators at the time of its release is pretty special. May the JuJu always be chewy. xoxo


If you want to know why john looked beat up, it was a real accident and we were there, you can see the video here! For the hatch thats exactly what happened, a friend of ours is renting that space and we saw it and went ooooh, this needs to be in a film! Thank you for the comments, it makes me so happy to hear lots of people are intrigued :)

I can't believe you guys actually caught that on tape. Amazing. (Poor John! what a legend) xoxo

Whenever we visit him we pull out a camera it's a given that something will happen, he lives a crazy life!

I am really happy that you enjoy, those who chewed that far won't turn back now because the flavors are about to kick in. I AM BLOWN AWAY by the quality of comments we received for our film and every one of them reaffirm my insane decision to give this film world premiere status to Steemit.
English is my second language so not always easy to answer all of them cleverly without too much typos but I am doing my best :/

Really happy also that you know about our documentary series MACHINECO because we are friend with John and Robin for 17 years and we are really attach to them as friends but also as characters! (Almost started a TV series last year about them...unreal)
Now you have a really good question. WHY JOHN FACE IS ALL BEAT UP IN EPISODE 1?
in this post from Julia You are the second one to ask the first one was @goldenarms, yes he was drunk at the time but that didn't stop him from asking a good question just like you did. We knew Julia and I, that this question would come up, so we have the answer ready for you

What will happen to Jessie? What is the deal with this SOFIE place under the stares? Those I can't answer for now :)

You are a top of the line CHEWER and you will be rewarded by the truth!

So cool :-) :-) I will definitely be reading Julia's posts from now on!!!