Can colour be an idea?

in #art7 years ago (edited)


A shopping receipt may seem like a strange thing to put on an art gallery wall. How can this be art? Rather than making a painting or sculpture, there are many artists (like Ceal Floyer here) who create art from everyday things. She would like you to think about the idea behind the art, rather than what it looks like. Take a closer look at the receipt. You will see that it is a list of objects bought from the supermarket that are all white. Imagine the objects and their whiteness and think about why this might be in a display about colour. Is white a colour?

Ceal Floyer 1968

Monochrome Till Receipt (White) 1999
Tate Museum of London




Art is like food for the soul.

But not all art are good, and many believe that showing a bit of creativity is the same as making art..

Even if there is no law against calling almost everything art if we like to do that, it will not make it any better art then it really is, and it is always the viewers that decide if it is art for them or not in the end.. :)

Interesting point of view. The viewer judges whether it is art or not.
Actually this does not want to be a criticism of Floyer's work, because I could state that it is art (even if it does not excite me). Unfortunately many works don't upset me in the last few years... But the problem is I am a romantic nostalgic lover of the sublime... :D

Okay, he goes deep inside his idea... I understand it, but can't say if I like really. It appear to me like those 'artists' wanting to be out of the codes, but finaly are nearly out of the art.

"out of the codes, but finaly are nearly out of the art": I couldn't express it better.
This kind of art (if we want to call it "art") seems to me the expression of the artist's boredom, which is nothing more than the empty expression of our day.

You're right too. Fortunatly, there is always great artist (most of them unknown, and will not have their place near this receipt..) still having inspiration :)

Isn't art simply an idea and therefore anything with a idea - like this - art?

As for the question is white a colour - absolutely, one of the colours with the most loaded of all meanings behind it - of purity or rightness