People do use drawing and illustration and painting tags and sometimes in the case of digital art program tags as well, think the general argument there was that most people will look at "art" which is true, and because it's such a big brolly there definitely shouldn't be any genres exluded.
Writing is most definitely an art but at least the writing and fiction tags are usually broad enough that they won't be lacking for audience XD
or at least an audience capable of reading anything longer that a twit
Maybe it should have been a can of wyrms? ;D
Pretty photography is not achieved easily and to treat it without giving back some acknowledgement is a little selfish by my standard...
Like, you wanna make a pretty art, but you dont wanna acknowledge the pretty photograph that helped you make that pretty art? Like why not????
You would think, but some people don't -_-
you are a pathological perfectionist XD
PFFFFFFFT I'm adopting that because it's true x_x lol XD
I like to insert a bit of myself into my arts
I like it better when you (collective "you" as in everyone not just you personally) do, because it makes it better. I'll always prefer the "worse" drawing with something going on than the technically brilliant drawing that's just technically brilliant :)