The perfect motivator. \ Original sketch

in #art3 years ago (edited)

The perfect motivator.

Идеальный мотиватор.

It's good when your main dream is real and not achievable, but at the same time develops personal growth. As if in an attempt to reach superluminal speed, there is always a little shortage of it.

Хорошо когда твоя главная мечта реальна и не достижима,но при этом развивает личностный рост. Словно в попытке достичь сверхсветовую скорость, всегда чуть-чуть до нее не хватает.

Colored version.

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Monochrome version.

img_scan_romanskv301-_новый размер.jpg

Wax pencils drawing
Рисунок восковыми карандашами

Author @RomanSkv

Russia Rybinsk



Peace all.

Всем мира.

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yandex - 410014823782990

Please subscribe to my blog

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I would have upvoted this post but I see you're still posting to Steem. 🤷‍♂️

Hello, there are almost no votes for my posts on Steemit, I don’t know the whole situation and it’s not important for me, but if I win, then I can stop publishing there, although I would not want to stop, since I have been doing this for a long time. but still, lately, I have been poorly supported there and if there are good reasons, then I will finish posting my posts there. What should I do?
Здравствуйте, там все равно почти не голосуют за мои посты, я не знаю всей ситуации и мне не принципиально,но если мне будет выйгрышнее ,то я могу прекратить там публиковаться, хотя и не хотел бы прекращать, так как уже долго это делаю, но все же последнее время меня там плохо поддерживают и если есть веские причины ,то я закончу размещать там свои посты. Как мне поступить?

In early 2020, Steem was attacked, centralized, and made into a scam. They stole my remaining balance of STEEM tokens (about 30,000) and millions more from others. It's your decision.

In early 2020, Steem was attacked, centralized, and made into a scam. They stole my remaining balance of STEEM tokens (about 30,000) and millions more from others. It's your decision.

*Не будьте эгоистичны в своей обиде, я не хочу терять ни Вас ,ни аудиторию со Steemit,которое не виновата в грехах руководства,да и меня тоже же обманывали не раз,несколько лет назад я потерял две сотых биткойна на криптовалюте CAT , пусть это не столь значимая сумма как у Вас , но обидно, особенно когда живешь на пособие по инвалидности, а несколько месяцев назад ,я отработал на вахте сторожем в соседнем городе ,но всей зарплаты не получил ,обещали аж целых 500 баксов,а получил примерно 120... Бог судья всякому жулику, а жить дальше лучше со светлыми эмоциями....
Предлагаю Вам компромисс ,если есть такие мои работы которые Вам понравились и Вы бы хотели развития темы, то я могу продолжить в этом стиле или предлагайте свою альтернативу...
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Do not be selfish in your resentment, I do not want to lose either you or the audience with Steemit, which is not to blame for the sins of the leadership, and I was also deceived more than once, a few years ago I lost two hundredths of bitcoins on the CAT cryptocurrency, let it not such a significant amount as yours, but it's a shame, especially when you live on disability benefits, and a few months ago, I worked as a watchman in a neighboring city, they promised as much as 500 bucks, but received about 120 ... God be the judge of every crook, but to live in life is better with light emotions .... I offer you a compromise, if there are some of my works that you like and you would like to develop the topic, then I can continue in this style or you offer my own alternative ...

To me, after seeing my own tokens stolen and many more stolen from the people who helped build it, Steem is dead and the animated corpse that pretends to be a blockchain network under the same name is an impostor run by thieves. You might see it differently. I don't support those who help it appear to be legitimate by acting as if it's a real blockchain platform, because it is not. It's a scam.

Хорошо, я Вас понял
Ok, I understand you

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you

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