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RE: My Interpretation Of Future Spaceships

in #art8 years ago

To speak about my sighting i describe the feeling it has left on me and my friend that day and my though about it is it must be a malevolent thing or race or entity or it is made by the military industrial complex like the abduction program who looks like very human made or the cattle mutilation. It looks like some peoples at the very top of the pyramid of power is very close to a malevolent kind of entity of some kind.
I think if the theory of artistic peoples are more sensitive am i sure you also feel things and notice the vibe of a house for example or other things like it. Also i am very receptive to energy healing and i learn reiki and have a better result then other in my group.
Love and Happiness to all of us.Hi @reddust i have the same belief about aliens i am sure that there is plenty of race on earth some are living underground, some in the sea, some in other dimension and other in the middle of the human population. Also what we call Alien today (for some bad kind) are the one that in the past peoples use to call Demon and they come from another dimension a different realm that we can't see they are a kind of unknown parasite who feed on human fear and soul, when someone get infected by those parasite they get weak, living in fear, sometime the parasite take over the person and in many case will bring death after a long period of havoc for him and is relative. I really sure about that. I don't know for you but many people tell me because i am an artist i feel things more easily than average. When i have written the post about the story behind the spirit house here in Thailand i tell the peoples that this is not folklore there is something that we can' explain and i say from my 18 years in Asia i've experience and witbess a few things hard to believe for westerners and the day after i get the idea to make a short serie of articles about all those experience. My first article will be tomorrow and i will make one every month because this is not something we experience a lot but i have enough to make eight articles