In our last visit to the temple of the secrets, we had mastered most of the tasks, dealt with set backs and turmoil and finally saw the Star which gave us hope and direction.
We regained the energy to complete our "journey of the fool", also known as the "journey of the hero". But we are not at our destination jet. One thing still has to be overcome: our fear!
One more time we have to pass through the dark ravine in No. "XVIII - The Moon". Past the two guards in the shape of Anubis, past the dark towers, which are shaped like fly agarics, which I used, because the toadstool contains a poison that causes hallucinations. And when you're afraid, your imagination often runs away with you. You get the weirdest thoughts in your head and imagine who knows what, when the whole thing might not not be so bad after all.

If you take all your courage together now and dare to go through the dim lit gorge, past the howling dog and the howling wolf, then you have finally made it! Now we are almost there to complete the cycle.
In my card there is an element on the bottom, that vaguely resembles the claw of a cancer. I see it as a symbol for your subconscious and our anxious inner being that wants to come out and live its true self free of fear.
To find out your Personal TAROT Card, just add day, month and year of your date of Birth:
dd + mm + jjjj = xxxx.
Now add the four digits of the resulting number:
x + x + x + x = nn
If the resulting number is greater than 22 please add n + n again.
Any result equal to or smaller than 22 is your personal number with 22 representing 0
The Temple of the Secrets total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished
It was part of the museum I ran for twenty years.
If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:
I enjoy reading your comments!
If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems
All photos/scans by me of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?
See more of my work on sola
I really do admire your chosen colors here! They catch me and the spirit of this image catches me as well. Now I want to have THAT motive, too! Laughter.
You said: "And when you're afraid, your imagination often runs away with you. You get the weirdest thoughts in your head and imagine who knows what, when the whole thing might not not be so bad after all."
That I can confirm. How often my anxiety tricked me out, I cannot even count. So, what I need is power and embracing the beast. Which I do and did. Here, as I cannot reach you through discord (or too impatient to wait) I put a photograph for you. Finally the picture got a frame and is warming up my living/dining/sleeping-room :)
Thank you so much. More photographs on the discord channel.
Uiuiui... wie konnte ich das denn übersehen??
It was a weird week although Wendsday was great as I spent the whole day outside. In the evening I was happy but dog tired and every bone hurt.
Thursday "Kunst Fördergruppe" in school... those little monsters actually pushed me to the point that I had three of them leave the group. Only for that day of course. I know it will break my heart, when they ask me next time, if they can come back :-b
Sorry I had you waiting like this on discord. Had checked it so many times in the past... quickest and best way to reach me is e-mail.
Was just about to start wining about the small photo, when I saw you added a lot more on discord. WOW, looks really awesome. Nice wood you chose, very elegant. Color fits nicely too...
I'm really behind with my "orders", so you can still change your mind, as for which picture you want! 😁
First a little translation thingy for a tricky astrological sign.
Even though Cancer (zodiac sign) is represented by a crab, the way you put it is a little akward... One can be "a Cancer" but a Cancer does not have a claw... a crab has a claw. The Cancer (being a sign) refers only to a person (who seldom has a claw to match....)
So you could say: "resembles the claw of a crab, which is the sign for Cancer (ruled by the Moon) . I think in German Krebs is also the animal. It's sometimes a bit delicate (I presume also for German) to use this term at all because of the misforunate connotation to the disease, and more often people just use the term Crab for the zodiac sign.
For the rest, perfect use of indigo! THE colour for the lonely eeriness of self-reflection and mystical memory, but also for that state of being that is too closed off from others/society. The danger of illusions and make-believe (inner worlds) is very tangible in your card. Always the pay-off for going deep within on your journey to self-knowledge. Will the pilgrim make it out through the night any the wiser still? Or will he remain trapped in refections of his own machinations (mind= also ruled by the moon/silver).
A wonderous uncertain (water) world without grounding, with hints of sexuality (also ruled by moon) and trippy fly-agaric cherries on top!
Thank you so very much for the help with the wording. Yes, very tricky indeed for a German! With your permission I'd like to edit my post the way you suggest it.
For the rest, cordial thanks for your compliments and further explanations! 🙏
I still knew what you meant, but that is kind of them to give you the right useage. I wish I could understand or write in German as well as you do in English.
This piece is amazing and I LOVE that you use that bit of hope from the crab's claw reaching up. This says a lot about what I love about your work in general, that spirit of hope and joy.
I'm lucky that I inherited my mothers spirit and optimism. Guess that always comes through in my work. I take it as a compliment, when my work, even the darker themes are perceived as uplifting :-)
So... now I'll ask the question I always get asked... Your cards are beautiful, so I was wondering, can your Tarot deck be bought?
Haha.. yes, I was asked that too. It can be bought, but not as a traditional deck which one could actually use. It is more a... how should I say... reproduction and collectors item in a small limited edition. The cards are printed on acrylic glass to be as close as possible to the originals and its all set in a beautiful wooden box.
Now THAT's a nice collectors item!
I acutely observe you haven't mentioned the price, and I would be interested to know what it is.
(You can also send it to my email address, if that is preferable, or via the contact page on my site, or carrier raven, etc.)
Thanks a lot for the compliment. I have to admit, that I am a bit proud of how it came out, despite the major problems of producing it.
List price is 490,- Euro with some (reasonable) room to negotiate for colleagues. Of course crypto is an option :-)
Sold! I would very much like to acquire a copy of your incredible works by purchasing a deck. And I’m finally reading a tarot book and learning about the system, so I’d like to have a set of cards with which to tinker as I learn. I’ll message you privately to resolve the payment & shipping details.
I take this as a big compliment and it makes me really happy, that you like my Tarot like that. E-Mail is, but sometimes messages from abroad get lost. You know how to find me on fb, or on with the same username reinhard-schmid. Looking forward to chat with you 😁
Excellent, I'll be in touch!
Sounds good :-)
hahaha cool sir
Just in time for a powerful Full Moon tomorrow, with the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio then. Also, I am a Cancerian! What you said about the claw is interesting, I never thought of it that way, but I think you are on to something. I mean, one of the crab's issues is always being able to duck into its shell and avoid the world. Being able to face 'being' without fear is just another way to look at Cancerian shyness and fear. Thanks for the great post!
Thank you for sharing your great artworks sir. A lot lesson learned from you
Thank you :-)
This is pure magick, @reinhard-schmid! What a stunning card. I'm over the moon with the moon...
Really well said, I love it! Thank you for the compliment :-)
Hello excellent drawing, I congratulate you, your impeccable technique, I also draw you I invite you to my block
Thank you. I'm following you already, your work is exquisite!
Hello @Reinhard-schmid.. Nur eine kurze Notiz, um Sie wissen zu lassen, dass ich eines Ihrer Bilder in einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Blogbeitrag gepostet habe. Love your art!
Danke für den Hinweis. Freut mich :-)
Soll ich in meinen künftigen Tarot posts erwähnen, dass Sie in Ihren Posts readings anbieten?
Ja Dankeschön. Vielleicht wäre das für einige Ihrer Follower von Interesse.
Mach ich gerne. Hab mir schon eine Notiz gemacht, dass ichs nicht vergesse :-)
In love with not only your art but the beautiful way in which you have displayed them. You are a true talent...making my way through all your pieces...what a journey!
Many thanks for your kind appreciation. Your blog looks promising ans I am looking forward for your future posts :-)
Very good job! I like the colors and creatures with heads Anubis :) You have your stunning style!
My friend @sibr.hus also draws Tarot cards. He says it's simple. But I don't believe it! ))) I asked him to give me a drawing card to accept the challenge. My job is to draw a " The Chariot"...
I saw his tarot, it is exquisite!! Being the excellent artist he is, of course it all seems easy.. Curious of how your chariot will turn out.. my card by the way :-)
Oh, if this is your card, then I will show you my work, unless of course I will not be ashamed :) And my card is a Hermit. My card is a Hermit. I learned that today is considered the number.
I used to draw Tarot cards when I was 12 years old. These were children's drawings. I didn't know anything about cards, I just liked a picture from a magazine. I didn't think I'd meet artists drawing Tarot cards in so many years.
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Your words in gods ears as we say ;-)
it's a great story, i guess.
thanks for give all the parts in the single post.
are there only 17?
or more ?
Thank you. There is a total of 22 major arcana (trump cards) plus the minors, which I did not paint.
you're most welcome.
i did visit your blog.
and your paintings are beautiful.
followed you.
Thank you for your kind words. Glad you like my art :-)
you're most welcome.
and yeah, i do like your art.
your arts are worth something.
What can I say... I love this kind of art
Thanks a lot!
What kind of cards in the Egyptian style. Are you already not working in this museum? A very mysterious place ...
Yes, more or less Egyptian style. The museum closed 4 years ago :-(
But why did this happen? What is the fate of the exhibits?
The building was in such bad shape and the town had no budget for the necessary repairs. Everything is now in storage...
Maybe they will appear at exhibitions in other museums someday ...
There are several things being discussed right now, I'm sure it will all be right, when the time has come :-)
Wow, I'm speechless, but I wanted to say I love how you managed to reach the depth of the twilight zone with this illustration. It's definitely not an easy task to pull off! The way you described it blew my mind. I can definitely relate.
What else can I say? It is a wonderful card! On a side note, I just found out my personal tarot card hah, but I'm not sure if it fits me. Your art on it is still lovely though. :)
Thank you for this meaningful comment. May I ask what card came out for you?
No problem! :) I got "VIII - Justice."
I am very interested.karena in our life is full of mission and therefore an adventure is the most beautiful thing in this life
Thank you very much :-)
I like very much not only your cards, but your stories about each one within the journey of the hero. Resteemed!
Its such a good feeling, to get the approval from someone who knows the subject the way you do. Thank you :-)
Ein besonderer Mond ;-D
Danke sehr :-)