
Yes I fed on your cards back at the steemit beginnings when you first revealed them here one by one. That’s when we first connected so I feel it with these too. 🙏🏽

Haven’t been here much lately…. I apologize for my lack of contribution to the community. I’m Not just here for the money, so I’ve not been absent because the value of steem is down. I post to express myself and for connection. It seems that the community here has just been down lately so there’s less chance of connection. Thus less posts from me. But I guess should “be the change...” right? If I don’t post because other people are not posting… That’s a dismal slippery slope. I’ll get back into it soon here.

I have continued to post more reliably on Instagram. But there I don’t feel responsible for quality of content. Because I have several auto votes here, I don’t feel right just posting a picture and making $15. Only if I have something really meaningful to me or contributory to the community here do I post.

Rambling thoughts ☝🏽😂

I share your thoughts - not on any social platform, only in my heart. "Ramble on"!( Another song by Led Zeppelin ...)

Yes, I remember several good conversations we had, inspired by the tarot and I always enjoyed our connection, which grew from there 😀

Every now and then I see you on Instagram or fb... maybe I should be more active there. Particularly fb with its policy to limit reach and censor artists is turning me and many colleagues off more and more...

Of course things are always changing, naturally here as well, but I still like the concept of decentralization and all the new things I learn around here. I understand very well what you mean with responsibility and meaningful contribution. Feel the same way. Sometimes I get concerned, if things I find meaningful, really are in the end... artists are naturally a bit egocentric and think everybody is interested in their creations. Rude awakening for many of us, to realize, that this isn't always the case 😜