The weather has been crazy warm this time of year, which means high winds when cold and warm air masses meet. We had a windstorm blow through Tulsa, Oklahoma, yesterday. December 15th, and the temperature was 76 degrees. I was busy pinning down or catching my raised bed garden frost blankets before they blew away. I had secured the blankets with plastic clamps, but they weren't strong enough in the high winds to secure the frost covers to my raised bed frames. I have a staked 8 x 12 mobile greenhouse tent covered in a shade cloth. It jumped over the chicken fence and landed on the area where I wanted to move it! I had to remove the shade cloth. It acted just like a sail in the high winds. We are in a Tornado zone, and I still haven't adjusted to the high winds we get when cold fronts meet warm air here in the midwest. Thankfully the winds peaked at 50 miles an hour. I will have to sink the tent stakes in concrete next time.
Enough about my procrastination issues. I've almost finished my second layers of paint. Once I finish the bottom part of the painting, I will refine shadows and highlights. I usually start at the top and work my way down. Unless I've had too much caffeine, and then I'm all over the place like a caffeinated spider spinning its haphazard web.
The artwork is coming alive!
I almost finished the painting last night. Now for refining; thank you for your positive feedback, my friend. 🙏
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Usually its being pleasure to watch this paint very close to finish after second layer. Its a beautiful art and when i see it onlt the skech on the white paper, think about how to look like it and finally we have seen it very fine too.