Improving My Art Skill-Set

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Shadow and Perspective

This piece was my 2nd attempt painting a tea set. I want to put together a little illustrated herbal tea book with my own illustrations some day.

But first I have to improve my writing and art skills. Steemit and my Steemian friends have been one the greatest boost I've found in my 57 years of life. This was a natural progression of improvement that wasn't intended. I wanted my tea sets to look better. I had no plan, this was kind of an organic evolution.

I'm a self taught artist. Sometimes I use YouTube to help me. There are some great artist teaching basic drawing and painting skills you should check YouTube out if you are looking for a drawing and painting teacher.

14 x 11, mixed media paper, watercolor, gouache, pen, and ink, 2016

My 2nd Attempt Had Problems With Perspective And Shadowing

I liked my first try with the rose hip tea and flowers. I tried to repeat the pattern but picked a very complicated pattern. I struggled to finish this one. I felt defeated I could not catch the shadows playing correctly across the lotus saucer and tea cup. The cup looks like it's going to fall off my saucer. The background is not laying flat either. I consider this piece primative but pretty.

My Third Attempt

I still had problems with the yellow blossomed teacup sitting on the saucer with proper shadowing and my table and wall looked a better but not perfect. I didn't struggle near as much as I did with the lotus blossom tea cup and saucer.

My Fouth Attempt with Shadow And Perspective Was A Breakthrough For Me

The rust red teapot and white teacup sitting on a wooden tray, I noticed my struggles to improve were drastically changing along with my idea about simplicity. My paintings were becoming more complicated and realistic. I wanted to speed up my drawings and paintings by keeping them simple. My inner-drive to improve my skills had other plans for me. The fight for quality or the fight for speed, quality won.

The Pink Flowered Teapot Is My Favorite Out Of The Series

All my struggles trying to figure out how to make an inanimate object look real came together and I was so happy!

Why Did I Pick A Mirror For A Table Top?

I really thought I was going to puke with the depth and perspective on this one. The stretching and growing made me sick to my stomach. I had some skills and practice to rest on though. I persevered and used my stubbornness to complete this one and I lost the dizzy feeling I got trying to get the reflection in the mirror to match the objects sitting on it. I'm not as happy with this piece as I was with my 5th attempt, the saucer and teacup have perspective issues. But I love the patina coloring I developed on the set. The piece has a nice reflective coloring old porcelain sets get with age and use.

I Have Another Tea Set Drawn Out And Ready To Paint

I gave myself a break after the mirror tabletop making me feel dizzy. It's time to get back on the horse, so to speak.


some_text A link to My Blog


Tea set IS looking great! Steemit has been a great incentive for me to improve my writing and storytelling for sure and I'm so grateful for this.

Steemit pushes me, which I needed badly. My portfolio is looking great and I've met the nicest people.😁

Your portfolio certainly does look great! The work I've seen you post has been really alive and natural. Good work!

You are very adept at what you do! I am always impressed! 🙌🙌🙌

Sorry I missed you in chat @jangaladesigns, I'm back in the house now. Thank you for supporting me, I need it right now🙏

its ok @reddust! Just hit me up whenever :)

Really cool progression. The changes over time are fun to see. Even if it DID make you sick ( :
Thanks for showing us your process. And I can relate to the quality/time thing. I do all my own photos for posts on here, and writing is the same way. That constant thought, time spent on finishing or getting it out. I prefer the finishing to quality, but it can affect production. I suppose we do the best we can. Thanks for sharing an interesting post. Have a nice Sunday.

I guess we have to find balance when facing deadlines. I've decided to do smaller 6x9 paintings that are what I call quickies. Thank you for your feedback @ddschteinn🌀


Thank you @anejosua 🌞

All of the painting looks amazing!
But I think if I had to pick the 3rd one speaks out to me the most. The wood gives it a great feel, I really like it

I really like the wood background as well, thank you @hentikage.

Mirror for a table top - definitely inspired idea!

Thank you @abcdoctor, almost short circuited my spatial centers!

Great work as always, i also love how you present your blogs too, really nice! greets sis :)

@jonjon1, I need to figure out my format at the end of my articles. But I'm pretty happy with the formatting look as well. There are a bunch of formatting articles on Steemit that I've studied, so helpful!

I <3 you'r art!

I love your art too, including your nsfw...shhh don't let the grandkids see lololol

Looks very nice @reddust.

I have enjoyed the series so far, well except for the mirror issue. Thank you @artguy🌼

Looks great! I can see your passion for drawing in your artworks as well

Passion or OCD? 😂😂😂😳 thank you @silverthread🌿

The pink flowered teapot painting made me want to have some tea😃

Thank you @god-is-love, it's been the most popular so far!

Nice work @reddust! Well done!

The white teacup is bigger than the red rust teapot! lol

I agree, the pink flowered teapot is the best

The teacup is bigger than the pot for reals lololol

Here is an example, I misplaced my original photo..

I think you are tool hard on yourself @reddust :) but I understand your frustration of knowing what you have inside you and trying to express it on canvas/paper!

I love the pink flowered teapot but I also like your second attempt!

Thank you for your time earlier. Hope you are having a pleasant evening!

You are welcome my friend @tonyr, thank you for the encouragement 😸