Blue Butterfly by Red Dust Art

in #art7 years ago

Blue Can Be A Happy Color

5 x7 Hot-press 300lb Cotton Paper, Watercolor, Pen, and Ink

My First Butterfly Painting Summer Of 2017

My next paintings progressed in skill and complexity but I will always remember my first butterfly painting.

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excellent, as usual! So I'm assuming you taped it off (based on the hard edges), and I'm also assuming you didn't pre-soak the paper since it is 300lb? I'm always trying to figure out the best way to deal with watercolor paper - I used to pre-soak all my paper (140 lb) but it is such a hassle, that I started just taping it down - I think that works pretty well as long as I'm not putting down a ton of watercolor; but it looks like you are in this one so I'm curious what you did and how well it worked for you.
I have one watercolor block, but they are expensive and go figure the first time I used it one of the edges still came undone from the water pulling on the paper, ha.

The background: did you first put down a coat of green/yellow, then go back over it with the blue? The top right almost looks like a wet-in-wet wash, but maybe not. If you can't tell I like dissecting the art I see :) Helps me to learn and get different ideas of ways to do things.

With 300lb good quality cotton paper you don't need to soak the paper. That's why I love it, but it is so expensive! I need to make more SBD to afford just to buy a large sheet which can cost $30ish usd. I always try to leave a clean edge, it looks so nice but sometimes I forget...hahaha that happens less and less as I establish my process. I pre-soak and stretch all my paper under 300lb. I use a staple gun on lightweight board to stretch my watercolor, its much easier. I just bought a staple gun again after years of only using 300lb paper. Now that I am painting more I can't afford the expensive sheets. There is handmade 300lb cotton paper made in India that's affordable but it is rough and that can make a really interesting painting. I'll post some of my butterfly paintings rendered on that kind of paper this week.

I usually work from light to dark even if I use gouache. I like to apply yellow then a blue to get green, mixing my colors on the paper. I usually do wet on wet for the background working around my main subject. This was my first work and you wouldn't believe how much my paintings changed from butterfly to butterfly as I got a feel for the subject and developed a consistent process. The process of painting I think is the most important, not the outcome!

Blocks don't work, you need to find good tape and a good board the tape will work on. Plus the tape needs to be throughly dunked in warm water. I don't like taping at all! Stapling is the way to go if you want to stretch your lighter weight paper. I've seen people also use big clips used to hold stacks of paper together too! I haven't tried that method yet.

Man, it is crazy how expensive good watercolor paper can be; when I first went to the art store near me to get some good watercolor paper because someone wanted me to do a commission thing - so i couldn't use my normal cheap 140 lb paper - I was shocked to see how expensive it was. That being said, I could instantly tell a huge difference in seeing how the paint spread on the quality paper (it was Arches brand), so I guess it is true for watercolor paper that you "get what you pay for"!

I bought a watercolor "board" at the art store and I stapled the paper down but the staples kind of crushed the board so that was a complete fail (I may have also been using too powerful of a stapler); so then I went and bought some MDF board from Lowes and cut it up and then covered it with a waterproof sealant, and that has worked well so far - I got about 8 boards of different sizes for about $30. I've thought about stapling into them, but I was afraid the holes in the board would ruin it over time, but now that i'm thinking about it, the boards are really so cheap anyway I should just do it and see what happens.

I haven't yet incorporated gouche into my art, but I want to - just need to go buy some!
I'll look forward to seeing more of those butterfly paintings!
Thanks for sharing your processes and tips!

My favorite professional watercolors and gouache are made by Winsor and Newton. Their white gouache is the best! We can share our watercolor stretching stories until we become rich enough to buy 300lb cotton paper by the block...If you are close come and visit, we can mix paints together!

If I'm ever near Oklahoma I'll let you know!

hahaha, it's a deal!

"Blue Can Be A Happy Color"
Yeah in this painting the way you have used Blue made wonderful feeling! I like back ground color mix up and wonderful artwork!


Just let go and let it flow is what I was trying to do with the butterfly series. When I look at this little painting I realize how far I've come with improving technique. This is one of the things I love about posting on steemit.

absolutely lovely and blue is a happy color too.

My happiest times as a child was spent watching clouds drift through Oregon's bright blue sky.

Fantastic! I fear insects, but through your art (and feeding my new lizard lol) I learn to see beauty in them (and food as well:)).
Just a suggestion: may be a few more dark green somewhere on leaves will add more volume?:)

I remember reading exposure to things you are afraid of gradually will remover the worst of your reactions. I think that the lizard will be your guide through this...that is so awesome! I will do a series of beautiful beetle paintings to help you let go of your fear...hahaha <3

The one that started it all! I started following you in June 2017, @reddust.

When did you start the butterfly series of paintings?

@sumatranate, I started the Butterfly series back in June, seems like ages ago....I found a lot of friends with those butterfly posts <3

The painting is very impressive
Are you drawn by?

This was my first drawing of a butterfly. What I love about butterflies is their transition from ugly pupa that eats plants and crawls on the ground to a winged insect that is beautiful and pollinates flowers for fruit and seeds.

I love butterflies, you touched my deepest emotions

I see I need to draw and paint more butterflies, thank you @dobartim!

Thank God, now I will enjoy even more in your perfect work

bleu color is my fav l. thats why I always say nice words about your beautiful bleu eyes lol. hope you are fine and having a nice time. sorry for being away. its been a while I didn't check your posts. hope you are fine.

I took a look at your blog, my memory is so bad that I am sorry for not visiting you too. I love your pictures!

its ok dear. all of us having busy life lol. I am the one who talks to you about the benfites of fasting lol.. hope you are doing well dear. thanks for your visit.

I will be doing a 7 day fast at the end of December to welcome in the new year and also get rid of all the toxins I had to eat through the holidays. Lots of sugar...I can't eat much sugar anymore it makes me feel so sick! I remember our talks now.

yeah it will be good for your health. days in winter are short and go fast not like long sumer days. that will he easy to you. hope that will help you alot.

Great job. Very nice drawing

Thank you @vispasian, I was learning how to paint and draw butterflies, this was my first one and very simple.

Gift that no1 can take from you

Thank you @faces, I saw your Mom's stamp collection. You should do some post on the history you found out about when researching the stamps.

what amzing ART ! Ireally love it ! Carry on @reddust , upvoted & followed to see more amazing content ;)

I like it. I like blue and red spots too.

Such a amazing paiting
Loved it

You should be given a special prize from steemit community for caterpillar edition and I have seen you have published so many beautiful art work of caterpillar in your article on most of the occasion and this blue color is so pretty.

Thank you @reddust and have a great day.

Wow...another wonderful.and creative artwork by @reddust mam....
I think u have more tallent about drawing and painting...
Wonderful artwork...and I'm realy like blue...

everyday i say are a brilliant you know why i am keep on saying so?not just because your paintings are awesome..but because in each and every paint of yours has a uniqueness..i don't know how to say it..but you have a your own way of doing is something that i have never seen on other you are keep it up :)

Stunning colours so beautiful :) art work

Your work is awesome ! You are really amazing my friend !!

Blue is definitely a happy color after seeing this beautiful art work :)

Such a phenomenal art work greatness this is :)

wow this is amazing art
very detailed one.

the finest art when you made this dear @reddust :)

its looking joyful art work of yours thanks for sharing

Wow ! Please , in the next post , just show as all the steps ,I like your work a lot !, upvoted & followed & reestemed , keep sharing @reddust !
Ps : Am a painter too ;)

waawww very nice drawing congratulations

very unique kind of art such talented work by you :)

its very different and amazing work by you awesome to see this color painting :)

I really love the style of this one! It's like a care-free stained glass window seen through the eyes of a child (if that makes any sense) :)