The Walker Art Gallery - Before Vermeer's Clouds (by Martin Greenland) - Art Appreciation and Haiku #9

in #art5 days ago

Art A and Haiku Walker Vermeer's Clouds.jpg

Greenland's dream Heaven
Oaken woven wilderness -
distant towns shimmer.


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The Painting 'Before Vermeer's Clouds' - A Pastel Dream-Scape

This painting by Martin Greenland caught my eye because it initially reminded me of one of those balmy late spring days (here in the UK) when the sun has heated the countryside to its verdant best, but as always those grey clouds loom, threatening rain.


Lol, there is nothing we Brits like more than talking about the weather 'apparently' 😂 I think it is largely because our summers are so short. But whatever the reason this painting pulled me in with these associations.

These thoughts about the unpredictability of the weather then reminded me of my late Grandmother, who made an art of 'talking about the weather'. She used to say that "a grey cloud is just a patch of Sun on the way." I felt close to my grandmother, she was a kind, and largely unjudgmental person, which are qualities I try to engender myself and value highly in others.

According to the artist this painting represents Martin Greenland's 'vision' of what Heaven might be like on a human scale, with buildings and natural elements that have significance in his life.

I always maintain that art is subjective, but I honestly think that Heaven is a dream built by humankind's collective unconscious to dispel the fear of death, which is why I feel I was drawn to this painting because for me it represented many dreams I've had. Some of my favourite dreams are in fact set almost the same as this artist's painting, with myself wandering the woodland wilderness or lonely grass-blown hilltops... the trappings of civilization only a distant smudge of shape and colour in the distance.

The scene in the painting Before Vermeer's Clouds, from right to left across the canvas, is meant to represent the changing seasons. This just goes to show how wrong I got it in my personal musings and interpretation, but this is the wonderful thing about art, it can be many different things to different people.

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A Brief Exploration of Martin Greenland, Artistic Influences and Disciplines

Martin Greenland is primarily a realist painter living and painting in The Lake District, Cumbria in the UK. The majority of his works deal with nature as a subject matter, which explains my being drawn to this artist as most of my poetry is inspired by nature, marine life encounters or wilderness areas in general.

In his John Moores University winning painting Before Vermeer's Clouds Greenland copied elements from 'A View of Delfi' (by Johannes Vermeer) showing some of his influence toward realist landscape art.

Martin Greenland has exhibited internationally and in 2003 was commissioned to paint the newly re-built Paternoster Square, next to St. Paul’s Cathedral, in London.

He has also painted extensively around the beautiful county of Cumbria here in the UK, and much of his work is still commercially available to buy for anyone who wants a break from NFT's 😉

His work can be found for sale at Castlegate House Gallery on that link provided, although as a successful contemporary painter they are a little out of my price range, with the lowest on sale for £7,500.

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The Walker Art Gallery

I recently visited the Walker Art Gallery with my girlfriend. During the three hours we spent there I took many pictures and wrote Haiku poems inspired by the art that had grabbed my attention.

Art galleries have a strange effect on me. I always find myself drawn into a meditative place by the gallery's quiet and the art's impact.

I am always this way in any gallery... names don't impress me. I could walk past a Picasso (although I do like Picasso) to sit and write in response to an unknown artist's work if it caught my eye and senses. I find it hard to explain, but it is like a force that draws me to certain paintings.

Although I was drawn to some of the world-famous works that the gallery holds, such as the Pre Raphelite, 'Echo and Narcissus' by John William Waterhouse, my eye was also drawn to the painting Before Vermeer's Clouds (by Martin Greenland) pictured above, which won the 24th Liverpool John Moores University painting prize in 2006.

If you are visiting Liverpool I fully recommend you visit the Walker Art Gallery (the link takes you to a Google Maps location of the gallery).

Whether you're looking for world-famous artists' original oil on canvas paintings - or fancy checking out some more modern art (as they host the Liverpool John Moores Art Prize Collection) - there is something for every art lover.

Thanks for reading 🙂🌿

To read more about the aesthetics of true haiku, and the difference between haiku and senryu, please check out my post: Haiku Vs Senryu - The Aesthetics of Form

All images in this post are my own property, taken at The Walker Art Gallery.

Camera used - Samsung S7 Smartphone

If you have enjoyed this Haiku, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content.

I would like to give a big shout-out to @stickupcurator (and @stickupboys) for their amazing contribution to supporting music, art, imaginative writing, and all things creative on hive. If you haven't already, you should go check out their account for music, crypto podcasts and much much more 🙂👍

If you have enjoyed this post you can check out my other work on my homepage @raj808.




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