I used to be a Ink Portrait Artist, but my life took an unexpected turn - Here's is my story...

in #art8 years ago (edited)

During my teenage years my passion was drawing. I spent much of my time blasting the tunes in my bedroom with a sketchbook and pencil in my hands. Although I would draw all sorts of things, I really loved drawing portraits. The idea that with just a pencil and a piece of paper you could capture a person was amazing to me. Often I felt so much closer to my subjects, after I spent time drawing them. It was like I got to know them personally, after hours focused on their smallest details.

Many years after highschool I was still drawing portraits of workmates and there families. Eventually I moved from pencil drawings to Ink portraiture. It is quite difficult to draw in ink, because it is a very unforgiving medium. If your project involves multiple subjects, it can be very intimidating as you cannot correct any mistakes, therefore one slip of the hand or wrong pen stroke and you might have ruined days of work. Here is a Sienfeld portrait I drew to use as a cover picture for my professional portfolio. I made up business cards and postcards with this picture as an advertisement of my abilities as a portrait artist. You can imagine the nervousness as I drew this portrait in ink, moving from one subject to the next, trying to carefully make no mistakes working in archival ink.

Not long after drawing that picture I was in an automobile accident. The oncoming vehicle had missed her left hand turn and decided to dart across the highway at the last moment . She hit my vehicle head on and her moments lapse in judgement caused me a great deal of pain, years in fact. I woke up in hospital with a broken leg, wrist, multiple facial fractures and unable to open my eyes. The doctors were discussing actually peeling my face back and trying to fix the pillars of my face because of all the broken and fractured bones but thankfully everything set back in place (pretty close) on it's own, except my nose. I had to have several nose operations to get it straight again.

Here are some pictures of my car and me in the hospital. I can't even recognize myself. I can't remember ever seeing my father cry, but he was battling cancer when this all happened and was too emotional to make the 4 hour trip to see me. My mother said she tried to show him some pictures but it was too upsetting.

Here I am a few weeks after the accident, finally out of the hospital and sitting in front of a computer. Little did i know this was going to be my new career. (Online Trading)

Ok, lets throw in a picture of me today, so that this post is not so depressing.

Many things that happen to us in life are out of our control. This accident really took my life in a whole new direction. I couldn't walk for over a year and this meant physiotherapy every few days to stretch the muscles in my broken leg. It took a long time to learn to walk again, with a walker at first, then a cane, and finally with a limp. But the biggest impact on my life was my eyesight issues. I was left with double vision for years after the accident. My eyes could only hold focus for a few minutes and return to double vision. As I got stronger my eyes improved and today I can read or draw for 15-20 minutes before they become too strained to see clearly. So as a result 11 years after the accident, I am starting to draw a little again.

I have drawn hundreds of pictures in my lifetime, but I would like to share just a few, of my favorites with steemit. The most important drawing has to be my father. Who past away a few years back, he struggled for many years with lymphatic cancer. I miss him dearly.

He had the chance to meet his first grandchild, Owen. (my brothers son)

Here is my grandmother. (on my fathers side)

This is my other Grandmother and step grandfather. (sorry the image is poor quality)

Here is my brother as a child. (I laugh whenever I see his childhood photos)

These are two of my favorite cousins.

Here's some friends children, I'm not related to them but they were cute kids to draw. I just love this little guys shocked expression.

I drew this little girl in charcoal.

Well thank you for making it this far with me. I hope you enjoyed my story of a time when I was an Ink Portrait Artist, only 11 years have past, however it seems a lifetime ago. I am not too popular on steemit yet, but I have been working hard on my blog. While most of my posts have the theme of trading successfully in the stock market and cryptocurrency market, I have begun to draw again, a short cartoon strip. I've posted 6 episodes of the cartoon strip so far and will continue to post more episodes as I get time.

I love steemit, and I'm happy to have had an opportunity to share my story,



If there is anything your accident taught you, is that you should never give up.

We can't. We shouldn't. Use this knowledge with steemit too.

Your work is absolutely beautiful! Would you ever post a tutorial on how you achieve such life-like results? I dabble a bit in painting and drawing but it's rare to see someone who captures expressions so perfectly!

Absolutely beautiful work! Rock on brother! You have my vote!

Thanks for your kind words..

You are very welcome!

Great read. Amazing art.
Would love to have your style of portrait art as a filter option in Prisma.

Glad you like my work.. Yeah, I try not to make anything to smooth looking, I like to keep all the lines visible, so it looks like a huge mess of intersecting lines up close, but as your eye pulls away you can see the full person emerge.

You are very welcome!

really enjoyed this, and as a fellow artist, you got some major talent man! keep up the great work :)

Thanks, I miss drawing so much. I used to get lost in my art, drawing into the early mornings. It's not easy letting go of something that was a huge part of who you where.

I hear ya, I don't know if I ever could give up art, its part of who I am..LOL

That is an intense story man, thanks for sharing something so personal. Do you ever explore drawing with double vision, it seems like it might start getting into the abstract but that could be really interesting.

I was always drawn to portraiture because of the criticism. When your drawing someone, it will be viewed by all there family and friends. If you get the smallest detail wrong, they will notice and it will no longer resemble the subject. This really tunes your skills as an artist. I don't think I would find abstract as fulfilling.

Great work...I liked reading your story. Inspiring.

Thanks for your vote and taking the time to read my story.

Great art & post @quickfingersluc. It's wonderful to read the details you allude to in your trading videos. Anyone interested in an easy and profitable trading strategy should check them out.

Amazing work man, really cool to read your story and see that you have started drawing again, your portraits are really incredible!

your portraits are amazing.

Great story. Doing something beautiful with your hands is a blessing. You are a great artist ! Twice a intensive drawing session brought mi to fall in love with a girl... Thanks for sharing !

Beautiful drawings and a very touching story! I was relieved to see the smile on your face in your current picture and to know that things have gone well for you following the accident. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

@rainman thank you so much for your support and upvote. It was a pleasant surprise this morning to see my post got a little more attention and some new followers. I have been wanting to devote some time to drawing again, and after reading all the positive comments about my art, here on steemit, I am feeling quite encouraged to do just that.

Very touching post. Very inspiring that you have come out of this with such a great attitude still. I am an artist myself and have wondered many times how I would cope with losing my ability to create art and I still can't imagine. You are very strong. Welcome to steemit!

Yes, I saw so many eye specialists after the accident, in an attempt to find some way to get the double vision resolved. All I wanted was to continue with my portraits, but after a year with no progress I eventually realized it was a lost cause. Only recently I thought I might give it a try again, since its been so long since the accident, perhaps my eyes might strengthen with some exercise and last longer sessions. As it stands 20 minutes seems to be my toleration, before my right eye begins to tire and lose focus. Thank you very much @lauralemons for taking the time to comment and upvote my post. It's encouraging to have others support our art. I will be headed to your blog today also. Thanks again.

Thank you for a very informative story about you.

Great story, congrats on your persistence. Wonderful pictures of your family.

I love your portraiture. I was headed in the same direction from childhood but was interested in fashion design with my drawing. I was hit by a bus which changed my life path for a bit. I am so glad you were saved so that you could go on to share your beautiful talent.

Very nice portraits!

What sort of ink were you using? Higgins? Speedball? Which nibs?

I assume you scanned your pieces in with your home scanner? The lines are not so dark ( which could come from any number of factors of course ) I'm just trying to determine if it's from fade/ scanner contrast / not darkest ink / thinness of pen nib etc.

Would love to see you get more recognition and to get back to drawing something even if it's not up to your expectations due to your eyes as you mention or whatever else. It really feels good to even do a doodle now and then I'm finding!

Good luck you, Luc!

I was using archival ink with a regular type ball point pen. I know that seems strange but i just got used to the flow of a ball point.. However there was always a lot of blotching it a ball point, so i had to wipe the tip every few strokes. I took my work to a scan and copy place, where they had the big big scanners.. and sometimes I would just photograph my drawing if i didnt get time to get it scanned.

Yes my eyes are still an issue.. I have drawn some new stuff lately like my wife's friend and a few dragon pictures for my wife.. but nothing great.. that and the comics I'm doing here on my blog.

I like using a ballpoint since I retired. It's not strange at all. I have a ream of some coated paper I used to use for pen and ink and it accepts a really nice line from ball point.

Anyway, would love to talk. Busy right now and just wanted to get a reply back to you.

Take care and keep it up. Hope your eyes keep improving!

These are impressive. I gave up drawing while I was in college and have only recently picked it up again as a stress reliever and a teaching tool.

You are an amazing artist, I love the quality of the work. As I work in pen-and-ink for the most part, I can agree that it's a very unforgiving medium to use. I use it b/c I'm a bit OCD about getting my hands all smudged-up.

I actually started watching your Happy Trader videos first and was impressed at the skill before I saw your artistic talents.

I'm on episode 19 right now and have already gathered and confirmed some basic concepts on Trading... not sure how other people think about it differently.

Although we go through adversity, we can either succumb to it or become stronger through it. You've definitely become stronger.


Great story and very touching! I'm happy to see that you found a way to make a living after such misfortune. Thanks for sharing. I will share my life story as well very soon. Keep up the good work! Your videos help people and your art is amazing! Take care!

love hearing about your life. you are a winner way to go.

Wow dude! Your situation is wilddddd....but it's so inspiring because you not only survived but was able to turn a disadvantage into a major advantage over time. It's an honor to have you here Luc!

Thanks, I love trading, and I really enjoy the down times, when the market is falling and I can make a bunch of money off easy bounces.. then when the market is going up, everyone makes easy money.. so for me its good and then good

Really a touching story. You're art is amazing! Why are glasses for double eyesight not an option? Because I'm sad to hear that you can't draw as much as you used too, I mean there has to be something to work?

I wish I could go back, but my eyesight is even worse than it was.. I have left that chapter in my life behind.. But yeah, i used to draw all night.. it was my passion..

Everything for a reason my friend. Inspiring story to say the least. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

Hi Luc,

My first Steemit post/vote on my 10 min old account :-)

First of all, thank you for all your hard work you've put into these articles /video's. After reading book after book after book about TA the last 7 months I came across your youtube account and it made me feel more confident about trading.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say.... your drawings look stunning and I really hope you can get past that 20min limit some day!

After following your crypto posts since Sept 2017, I had no idea you had this story. I really appreciate all you have shared about QFL trading and am impressed by your struggle to turn adversity into prosperity.

Now that I am aware of your struggles with your eyes I have even more appreciation for the videos you make for your supportive community.

Just as you had your previous passion for portrait drawing, I have a passion for singing and conducting classical music.

However, I too have had life struggles that have led me to different paths in my life. My whole life has been in and out of music making.

Fortunately, I have had magnificent professors, teachers and coaches.

In a way my story is similar to yours. Without the terrible accident.

Having achieved satisfaction in the arts you have found a way of channeling your "ah ha's" into other endeavors.


QFL is a full time thing for me while I still sing part time.

I don't know how to really thank you for changing my financial life.

My portfolio increased 543% in the last 60 days.

Keep up the positive spirit man.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm going through all your posts, videos, and even the discord/Google doc notes maintained by your QFL community. I came across this post for the first time, and just had to take a second to comment.

Your artwork is beautiful, and I love your comic sketches. Your story however, is completely heartbreaking as equally as it is inspiring.

Seeing those pictures was very overwhelming. I don't know you personally, but at the same time, I feel like I kind of do. I've been watching, reading and re-watching all your content for months now. Seeing those images was no different than seeing one of my close buddies getting hospitalized.

Reading this post (among several others) just reaffirms how awesome you are. You've become a pretty monumental inspiration to me, especially now after learning about your struggle.

Thank you for sharing your story Luc. I think you've taken the top spot of inspirational figures I've encountered in my life.

Wow that was very kind of you to say.. The main message I try to convey in my blog is that I'm really just a normal guy, who loves to trade. And yeah, although I have had some rough times in the past, life is pretty good. Trading has changed things for me, and it can for others too, if they take the time to figure it out.. Its not that hard and you can have any size income you desire... And best of all, you never have to ask for anything from anyone, the market will reward you for your participation... Thanks for reaching out :)

Artist to stocktrader....? Would like to hear more about this transition.
Out of nesscesity or interest? Very curiuos about this!
And also do you think you visual skills have helped you in charting?