I love this! It reminds me of some of the art classes/workshops I used to teach to children. I used to do a thing called "Draw an ice cream sundae, and the eat it!" with kids! It was so fun! They had to draw fast - before the ice cream melted, and I informed them ahead of time that they had to do their best, and get their drawing "ok'd" by me first- before they could eat it. And that if they didn't do their best - they'd have to start over and their ice cream would be melted. lol They always did great! That was always so fun!
I also did a watercolor of a raspberry mocha - coffee art - in the foam- that turned out well - but I worked from a photo of it later.
Your paintings are great! You must paint really fast! Those would take me a little while and I'm not sure if I'd still want to eat them afterwards lol!
Inspiring! Makes me want to paint!