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RE: I just crowdfunded a study on LSD microdosing!

in #art8 years ago

Nice artwork,super clean looking!!!

Microdosing is really great , I did it years ago to help me with focus,reading and memory. I felt at the time that my brain was a sponge absorbing all the information I could take in.

I really can't imagine the change in society when the day comes where psychedelics will be legalized.


Glad you dig my work! It's my passion and my full time career. :) I'm excited to read so many stories from people who are microdosing lately, it'll be cool to finally have some real scientific evidence to back up all the stories.

Yeah man, your artwork is just visually calming to the eyes. I think its due to how tight and clean everything is. I know a lot of mandalas are like that but maybe its cause yours is a nice balance between minimal and complicated.

Years ago I would catch so much shit for microdosing too!! It was like I was being disrespectful to LSD and I was getting a few negative comments on what I was doing. But there seems to be a bit less gatekeeping around the psychedelic community.

All I know is that I really want to be around for the legalization of it all. With the technology we have now I'd love to see how quickly and how dramatic the entire thought process, emotions, empathy, government changes and so on will start to change.

I just see the contrast between a psychedelic event like COSM vs the absolute disrespectful and violent scene at the bars.. I'd love to find more calming and non-drama fun places to go to. Hopefully one day that will come.

My long term goal is to create one of those places, a ToSM - Temple of Sacred Mandalas lol I told Alex and Allyson and they laughed and said it was a good idea. I had a vision of lots of little art sanctuaries popping up similar to CoSM where there's a safe place for "people like us" and our crazy ideas of love & peace and taking care of the environment etc... Sorry if I take a while to reply etc.. still getting the hang of this platform lol

Hey ya never know what you can do! You should see if theres a little niche group of people to help support it at first and then keep on building it. If psychedelics were ever to reach mainstream status again I could see things like this happening all over the place.

I know for me and a few other people that if psychedelics were legalized, the last place any of us would want to enjoy the day/night at would be at bars/clubs.

Art filled galleries are like candy for your eyes, the people you interact with, etc.. it would be awesome for you to do something like that one day.

SLow and steady as the saying goes! I do have my own gallery/showroom but I need a bigger place to have events like at CoSM. I've only been doing art full time for a bit less than 3 years, it'll happen one day!

Yeah good to stay upbeat like that, but don't take it too slow lol

Wish I had local people like you around the area to help team up with. I'd love to be around a lot more creatives that in the psychedelic scene.