First...a slight warning...

And Now Back to Our Shenanigans - Trippy Jesus Art!
Also, yes the title of this should be sung to the tune Jesus Christ Super Star....
If you don't know the lyrics but you want to sing it with me...
The words I believe start around 30 seconds in.
The Content Included Is Not Meant to Offend
It's just ART for Christ's sake!
Originally this was made with the Los Angeles forest in mind. I have another called, Mother Mary in a Gas Mask and she will be done soon. I was so hoping for them to be done together but then Jesus had some divine inspiration (with the help of a couple of phone apps, Tool Wiz Photos and Google Photo Editor specifically) and this is how he came out.
All of the drawing and style(?) was done by me. I have to say, I may have had some inspiration from the burly Christs found on the internet but at the end of the day I can't blame anyone else for this blasphemy.
I promise, it was all done in good faith.
Now I Turn To You
What say you Steemians? Can you come up with more stories, captions or fun filled adventures for our trippy Christ? I'd like to do a contest of some kind but to be honest, I am not entirely coordinated yet and I have something brewing in the witchy world of @RumDancer....
So, I will have to just ask that you look and provide feedback.
Thankfully, so far, I got some help thus far from @Sammosk who started our wandering prophet's story...
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, life is but a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Forgive me father for I have sinned.
That being said, I really enjoyed making this piece. Jesus needs more adventures! If you give me a great idea, who knows maybe next week I'll post it up for you with a bit of credit and complements!
I like the title of it, still have it in my head. Kudos as always!
I just found your post on Discord and I upvoted but unfortunately my vote is at zero 😞 Definitely following you and I promise to upvote your other posts when I recharge.
Peace profound to you
Nice one, I finally came and checked out your work, glad I did.
I'll have to think about it a bit more, and Fillosopher Stoned is taken lol
Interesting post. I like it a lot. What about Find Strength in Jesus?