This Saturday from 12-18h we will have open artist studios at the studio building I share with a number of artists. It's called Pragovka and it's located at Kolbenova 34A in Praha 9 between the Kolbenova and Vysocany metro stops. There will be a number of other activities so if anyone is interested, please come by.
The building was originally built in the 1920s I believe to store telegraph poles. During the occupation it was used for the construction of tanks and other weapons systems by the Germans. It is rumored that the Nazi UFOs, the Foo Fighters, were built there. The area was bombed during the war and afterwards it was rebuilt and used for the Praga automobile company. From the mid-90s until 2011 it remained empty basically but with new owners it was opened up to the public. I am one of the first people in the building and also one of the few foreigners involved, not counting Slovaks :) There might be a few Slovaks, I'm not sure.
Jestli mate zajem o umeni a kulture, tato sobota v Praze-Vysocanych mame otevreny ateliery v stary Areal Praga. Jsme tam kolem 50 maliri a sochari ...
Ship and Monkey (The Age of Discovery), oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm, 2018
This is my newest painting, I just finished it on Easter Monday. Can you detect any foo fighter influence?
If you'd like to see more of my work, check out the following links:
K tagu "cesky" by bylo fajn dát do postu alespoň jednověté shrnutí o čem post je:-) Pořád je tu pár kolegů, kteří s angličtinou bojují.