Pixel Panzers - Soviet Repair Facility

in #art7 years ago

Subscribe to our News Letter here: https://mailchi.mp/7d9ede1ae0e9/panzerone


Name: Pixel Panzers

SKU: iOS, Android ,Nintendo Switch & PC.

Game Info:
Pixel Panzers is a turn based strategy game. We have a unique look using Pixel Art + graphics replicating real WWII Tanks.

Release Date:
In development and looking at a 2018 release.

Business Inquiries:
If your a member of the media or a publisher looking to partner and publish the game contact us here: clinton@pixelpanzers.com

Feel free to ask questions about the game in the comments and help spread the word about the game using social media.

Best Places to follow!

Instagram: panczarone
Twitter twitter.com/PixelPanzers
steemit steemit.com/@pixelpanzers
Twitch Open Dev Stream:

News Letter: https://mailchi.mp/7d9ede1ae0e9/panzerone

Donating - If you'd like to donate, for people who really want to support the game!
Via Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/PixelPanzers