Hey Everyone
Today I want to share with you a painting that I did for my niece, her husband, and her children. In this painting I wanted to create a special place, one that they experienced first hand.
Winter Village 11 * 14 Oil on Canvas

Jennifer, my niece along with her husband and children moved up to where we live in the snow and it was quite a winter when they decide to do this, in fact, they said that the winter was more severe than any winter that has taken place in more than 20 years.
You see all of our family is from Southern California and living here in the North has certain advantages and disadvantages. The summers offer some of the most beautiful scenery that you've laid eyes upon and in the summer the weather is amazing. For several months of the summer the sun begins to rise at 3:40 in the morning and filled with energy doesn't think about going back to bed until after 10:00 in the evening. The offer of the summer here is endless days.
The winters here on the other hand are quite the contender. In the winter months it's quite the opposite, the sun seems like a slumbering bear. It doesn't seem to have the motivation to get up in the morning and when it does it's quick to bed back down. These winter months can feel quite long and when you think it's nearly over it snows again. For us that are anticipating the spring, the melting of the snow, these winter months can take on an existence of their own.
The winters are enchanted but long and quite beautiful as well. In the scene I painted for my niece you can see her two children waiting out front for there dad to arrive home from work for the evening. The youngest is building a snowman and his older brother is waiting with their dog as he sees his dad coming over the hill. I imagine that my niece is inside preparing dinner or baking a wonderful creation.
In the scene you can also see a church with its congregation out front. My neice and here family enjoy the church community and so I've added it to the scene.
In the farthest portion of the scene you can see a ski village lit up at night. After this long winter my neice and her family decide that they prefer the summer sun of southern California and so after the winter they decided to move back. We miss them up here and this is her reminder of the winter they spent in the snow.
Fantastic collection!
Thank you so much, but let me ask you what is the most recent post that I've made that you can see?
This is a beautiful painting, you are very talented. Specially I love the trees and the sky, they look so sparkly. :)
Thank you I really enjoyed painting this one, I've been promising to paint a picture for my niece for too long.
good post.
thanks for sharing.
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What a lovely scene but a sad ending. I'm sorry they moved away, I guess living in Southern California then having such extremes would make it hard. How far north do you live? We have had the worst freeze in my area of New England that I can remember in my own lifetime, but we are lucky as to not get too much snow for too long. Again, wonderful scene and beautifully executed.
Thank you so much! Yes, we miss them quite a bit and it was really nice having them here while they were here. It's been so cold across the country this winter. I'm sorry you had a freeze, I hope the pipes were ok. We had a freeze here too and the pipes burst in five places. Right now it's snowing like crazy but it's really beautiful and great if you love to ski!. We live not too far from the Canadian border, so pretty far north but not Alaska north :)
Beautiful work! My mom had a Thomas Kinkade piece in our house when I was growing up, this makes me very nostalgic.
:) Yes, I've heard that some of my work reminds people of good ole Thomas Kinkade. Thank-you I'm glad you enjoyed it. Which piece of Thomas Kinkade did she have?
This is really nice. Although I drawn to blue tones, which is probably why it appeals to me so much.
i like that you like it
Manyour paintings are awesome. I will be following you for sure