"Lost Paradise", or the sweet memory of the forgotten stories - A sculpture

in #art7 years ago

When I did this little polychrome terracotta, around 1994, I was creating many artworks using the shape of books, and real books. Books were meaningfull symbols for me - and they still are. They have a double area of meaning: a very sweet and comforting one, related to stories and learnings which are important for each individual; and another one, regarding something we feel to have lost.  This is not clear, I know. :)

Anyway, Thomas Milton has nothing to do with this object. His "Paradise Lost" too talks about something we lost, of course, but it is didactically religious.

I liked the title anyway.


In return, I propose to you this video of a lovely composition for violin and piano by Bruno Maderna: a piece I really love.

well, thank you very much indeed, @buckydurddle! I'm touched! never had a music inspired by one of my artworks before.

This video is beautiful.
Thank you,
BuckyDurddleMy pleasure @paolobeneforti . Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

half of my comment was lost: the video is a recording of Bruno Maderna's "Per Caterina" for Violin and Piano, a piece I used in the past as soundtrack for my artworks :)

Ahhh Beautiful

Thank you for posting
BuckyBeautiful @paolobeneforti . I really like the gentleness that he is touching the book. There is a beautiful tenderness in the touch.

Wow beautiful art.Great work.Greets

I liked the title anyway.