How do you become an artist? Being an artist is a job OR a way to communicate. Or BOTH. Here I talk about the "both" part.
As a child, you fastly learn something about art and artists. By chance, while your identity takes shape, you can decide that you want to be like them, like the artists (or also to become an explorer, or an astronaut, or have other models). Growing up, you can see that trying to paint, or to sculpt, or to draw, is something that you like. Your brain seems to manage pretty well that way, seems to work easily in that norm. But can you do that for a living? Well, a lot of people do that, and they make good money, as far as you know.
So you make your choice, even if actually you don't know if you can walk that path. It's a challenge.
You keep working on your "art", and try also to discover the way to sell it. You may have to find a job, becouse your artworks don't let you earn much, for now. So you stay with uncertainty about your ability as an artist. How long? A lot. It can last a lifetime.
Mind you, having doubts about your own art is not a bad thing. If you have no doubt, and you are sure to be a great artist, that is surely worse than continuing to doubt. But having doubts about your art is one thing, not knowing if you actually can be an artist for a living is another.
The fact is that trying to be an artist works that way: it takes decades just to understand if you are actually able to do it. Unless you are very lucky or incredibly talented.
Above, my artwork "The only flight", 1994
The relationship between an artist and their work is a very complicated one!
very ;)
I think being an artist is a vocation, something you are meant to be doing in this lifetime. Sometimes parents and life circumstances conspire for you to not be able to do that full time, but you know as a child that that is who you are. While everyone was watching TV I drew their feet...and I observed intently everyone...something else a person who is meant to be an artist does. Making yourself into an artist is pointless. Everyone can be creative at their own thing whatever they came to this earth to do.
There are way to many pointless artists around, who think because they can draw a little that is who they are. being an artist is nothing but visual communication a deep seated need to express yourself that way...that is all...
I agree. although there are so many definition for that word. That's why my post focused on being an artist as a job ;)
Great artwork!
Bravo :)
grazie :)
I think it is a good thing that most artists are not money junkies, love their alone time and are passionate about their craft. The lack of fame and money does not mean artists were not successful. Most famous artist were not well known or rewarded for their talents until they died. They struggled and suffered throughout their life, yet, still remained creative and prolific.

yes, of course it is so. but I talked particularly about being an artist as a job ;)
Yes I realize that. I probably didn't express myself the best I could.
probably I didn't write clear as well ;)
lol maybe we both had a part in this misunderstanding.