I've been working on the illustration some more...
I added trees, mountains, a large B, walk way and a candle stick chart.It's a real hassle!
This could end up being THE most complex illustration I've made for this blockchain! Don't forget, I'll have to details, color and texture this too...
Excitement in the neighborhood place...
Last week, two pit bullies escaped. The large of the two nipped an 85-year old when she tried to prevent it from simply brutalizing a Chihuahua. My window faces the street and I saw them run by twice, and soon enough animal control arrived. Although I didn't see it, the aggressive of the two was apprehended and wrecked. Bad Mr. Doggy!
ouch, hope the neighbor is ok... great start, look forward to the rest. And thanks for all you do to support others @overkillcoin Amazing!!!
Hey I gave a delegation to a VZ user, but I don't think they understand or are motivated to vote with it. The curation rewards could be helpful.
Dope! Looking forward to the updates.
You are doing a great work with the art work. One of the reason why I always admire artist is the never give up when drawing out their art work
Can you make the hive flag a bit bigger? And the B bigger too? And everything around? But I want the flag to pop, and to be bold and shiny.
(Annoying client)
😂 It is looking really cool 👍🏻👍🏻
I finished up a TWENTY PAGE long storyboard over the weekend - and then the client girl started to cry and complain because I used their original colours...
BUT they never TOLD me that they had all-new colours.
They just had me illustrate TWENTY frames and THEN they decided to tell me. So now I have to fix THEIR problem that THEY caused!!!
There's no cure for stupid 😄
@overkillcoin you are making a wonderful job👏😍
The neighborhood story sounds so crazy I believe it is true. As for the hive mansion maybe you should do a coloring contest and see if anyone wants to try coloring it.
It wasn't a very fun story to have unfold, either. At first, the dogs on the loose and the running around part was a bit entertaining, till I heard how serious things were.
That's a good idea (about the colouring)! Thanks!
amigo feliz dia,muy buenas y lindas sus creaciones,Dios bendiga sus manos e ilumine su creatividad,seres como usted son pocos los que he conocido aunque en mi mente yo me lo imagino,Dios lo bendiga y cuidese de seguidores oportunistas,un abrazo y gracias amigo por nacerle brindarme su ayuda de corazon,VENEZUELA CADA DIA PEORRRR
I'm always happy seeing you consistently posting! Artists shouldn't starve, so accept the upvote love 😍
Almost missed it, the last 48 hours have been a total zoo :)
Thanks for dropping by! Hoping to make more, but it's pretty busy lately :D