Works in progress - cop out or good reason to post?
The general idea is that users should post regularly to make Hive a buzzing place and that koala-ity takes a back seat to consistence... So why do I feel like I'm cheating my viewers by posting an incomplete project?HOWEVER, I'm more than happy to be a factor in outpacing #Steem in growth. So what are your thoughts on the matter?
So very time consuming...
I'm a generalist, graphics, animation, some writing and voice over, drawing/illustration, so I'm not very fast or focused on this style of illustration. It is a major hassle, another reason to split it into various posts. I think the results can be worth it though :)
Gotta get outta here!
Going to take a break and then do some worky stuff unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time).
Dios bendiga su creatividad,feliz tarde amigo,gracias por su ayuda,estoy viendo como reunir para comprar una canaima pequeña,la necesito esta prestada,pero por no tener comida tendre que tomar de lo que tengo y luego ire reuniendo porque la situacion muy dura y dificil aqui aunque para ustedes tambien,saludos y un abrazo
Looking forward to the complete one :D
Making some more progress :D
So this is what the Hive mansion looks like. A big change from Pooh's place.
He went "under" the name Sanders.