WARNING: This post lacks pleasantries and could ruin your day
Hello, my main point with today's post is — there have always been power-hungry psychopaths running the planet, but they've really pounced on Covid as their chance to strip away more freedoms, consolidate power and roll out plans to do some unprecedented, wacky AF insanity... Forced vaccinations, forced chipping and soforth.
The video below is a good example of a typical government overreach. (Credit: Salty Cracker channel). He's a pro-Trump statist — and I am neither, but I agree with his notion that the punishments are WAY out of proportion with the "crimes".
I'm of the "give me liberty or give me death" mindset. Why? Because I don't have enough physical defenses to be of the "give me liberty or I'll give YOU death" camp. 🤣
In my humble opinion, this modern day Babylon will crumble sooner or later, whether it takes me with it or not. 😅 I'll keep speaking out until my final breath, which will hopefully be a minty one.
And now, it's scribble times!
Inevitably, some dumb weasel will show up and complain that the wolf isn't much of a wolf because he's not tearing the pigs to shreds, but this is just a figure of speech, you literalist jackass! 😏
What about you?
Do you trust the news media and World Health Organizzle?
Do you think there's some shady bulljive going down? Do you think Bill Gates should corner you with his armed thugs and force a microchip underneath your skin?
I believe that there should be no coercion to those who aren't harming others. It's perhaps a worthless pipe dream at this point, but a voluntary society is the only civilized society.
WHO is trash
AMIGO que alegria encontrarlo d nuevo,para mi fue muy duro ingresar aqui ya que la table se echo a perder con un virus y el navegador no pude cambiar,mande a revisar varias veces y nada,el internet malo,un desastre,en steemit solo escribo hace meses sin poder comentar ni votar,pero un yerno me presto una cnaima hasta que compre una,la cual pienso comprarla trabajando aqui es mi vision,de verdad me senti mal por no saber de usted y de otras amistades incondicionales que coseche en steemit y me invitaron para aca y yo hice lo imposible y estoy muy contenta de esto,empece ayer con mucha alegria esperando me vaya bien para ayudarme economicamente porque el hambre carestia y escases esta full por aqui en venezuela,ya el salario minimo mensual amigo es un dolar y eso cuesta un kilo de azucar,imaginese lo que vivo,pero estoy con mucha fe que el pan o me faltara,saludos un abrazo fuerte y muy agradecida de usted,Dios me le de salud
Is that Spanish?
Finally someone I can agree with haha...
The WHO lost its cedibility after getting complacent about the virus, now we all suffer with quarantines, lockdown, shortages and such @overkillcoin
But I do not know about your conspiracy theories 😁 I just want a cure to get out as soon as possible.
Not theories, some of the elites openly speak about implanting chips in people to track them ... Or forced vaccinations ... There are articles and videos all over the place ... Yes i did embellish a bit towards the end though 😆
Can they just fucking make the vaccine already? There's a cure already right? Or at least that's what I was made to believe. Ughh. Either ways, I'm sick of staying at home
Hi Belemo - I think there's a variety of ways ppl say it can be successfully treated. Either way I'm not for a forced one-size-fits-all approach pushed out by the government. I agree about getting back to work, the entire world economy is irrevocably ****ed up from this.
Yup and the worst part is being separated from some of my loved ones.
Buenos días amigo exelente trabajo . Que tengas un feliz día.
amigo mi saludo y respeto,espero este bien,aqui yo un poco quebrantada de salud y con esta situacion tan mala que no hay medicinas y me recetaron una y no tengo para comprar la gente muy exagerada en los precios amigo y nadie hace nada porque esto se corrija,saludos y gracias por su ayuda que me ha servido de algo ,cuidese y seguimos en contacto
have you thought of doing illustrations about CZ and the Hive people whose funds are stuck on binance?
Check your Twitter 4 a rough draft
got it 😃
That's a good idea. When you read tomorrow's post, you'll note that I'm tired of dealing with the low-level Troniacs, but I still see a lot of value in exposing the corruption of big players (like CZ). I'll rest on it and see what I can think of... :)