Who knows, maybe my temporary discontent with life mixed with insomnia will lead me to post a bit more on the Steem! ☻I think that's how it worked out last summer. When everything around you is stupid and you've sworn off solving it with fisticuffs, drawing can be a good way to blow of dat Steem y'all.

Summer Bummer!

Why — Just WHY?
One of the most grating personalities I have to deal with periodically is the highly annoying, self-righteous and outspoken bigmouth, who, after making an ass of themselves and meddling in my day uninvited, retreats to this flimsy defense... "You can't take a joke!"I call Bull Jive on this one. If someone gets up in another person's face, they'd better be prepared for a defensive reaction. So, respect people's personal space or one day I'll make fun of you in a ****ing animation! :D

Great sketch! :)
!up 20
It was a difficult summer! I'm sorry for the ice cream, I think I never eat ice cream and if it melts I would die 🤣! so many hours working, dealing with so many crazy people and drawing makes you bad, you have to rest! @overkillcoin. 😌😉😊 ✌
Why? Why? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🤨🤨.........
I always ask myself that! 🤯🤨🤨
Because people are so annoying, stupid, idiotic, disrespectful and ill-educated😒🤨,
Every action has a reaction and one does not have to go through life getting in, bothering and mocking or criticizing other people, if you want to do that you have to know that the other person can respond and most likely you do not like to hear what he will say!
So if something you're seeing you do not like, just shut up and go! 😒🤨
The other person has feelings and you hurt them.
People who are like that are very delicate do not like to be messed with them.
No one is better than another to be talking badly about people or seeing what they do to criticize.
They say that we are all equal, but that is not true, there are people who go over the line and do not respect the space of others.
The worst animal is the human, they go through life only destroying and do not care about anything!
I understand very well what happened, it always happens to me and it bothers me.🤯😒
Postscript: this is not my testament🙈 it's just my thinking about people who are extremely idiotic 😒😒😒
I think you should take seriously what the rest you need to release the stress that makes you ill, you continue doing an excellent job but working too is bad for health! So take the time to organize your ideas and come back with more encouragement :D
Good ideaaaaaaaaaaaa... Too much pressure can ruin the funs! Today I can't really post, but I will try to catch up on comments... like YOUR comment for example!
@overkillcoin after the storm comes the calm the bad weather will not last forever, this is a great drawing amazing friend
Thanks so much, hope you are having a nice day!!!
Same for you @overkillcoin, thanks for your words and support
Sorry you're having a bad summer. Maybe fall will make up for it.
Hopefulyy! Thanks for dropping by!! :D
Sorry you're having
A bad summer. Maybe fall
Will make up for it.
- mysearchisover
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I love that angry crypto kitty there :) Hopefully this summer will be better than the last one. We still have time !
Here, have a box of tissues. Tweeted to show the world how a man-child cries!
Love the drawing by the way.
Haha glad you liked it, thanks :D
Most of the time those who say "oh, you just can't take a joke" are making asshole jokes. I get told that often (by one or tow specific assholes), and I really do laugh the loudest, so it's not me. It's them.
I love your grumpy cat. Looks all streetwise, like he's gonna spit out "Whatcha lookin' at?"
Soooo accurate. That statement deserves a print-out and wall mount hehehee... :D
I can't believe how antagonistic that cat turned out to be, but spitting melon seeds is a pretty mild attack :D
How much I'm sorry you're not having a good time, my friend, have faith and hope that after the darkness at some point the sun will come out again
Indeed yes big mouths are aggravating and wear on our nerves. I try my best to ignore them when possible. Hope your summer gets better. Mine has been anything but fun as mom had a basement fire a few months ago and still helping her as we work through the cleaning and restoration process. I have my summer job. LOL - Blessings @overkillcoin.
Wow that's terrible! That's going to take a lot of time and effort to clean up. Thanks for being available for the task!
This is awesome! I was having a pretty horrible day yesterday myself so I can definitely relate. When I'm in a negative place I can't create. It shuts me down. I have to be done stewing to get back to a creative place. The fact that you were able to pen out something that was not only pretty darn funny but also a branch out from your normal styling's is remarkable in itself. I started with Steemit about the same time that you did and have been following ever since. I have hit a period of my life where tons of depressing life events have just taken all the wind out of my sails as a creative. Everytime I start to get my mojo back like with my paintings I did for Steemit earlier this year something happens that takes away my mental momentum. So I've got to say good on you for being able to create under stress dude! Aside from the pretense of this piece alone, I really enjoyed the change-up in style and the seething revenge on paper is absolutely hilarious. Great job!
Same here pretty much. Things are really a mess in my life, I'm running on fumes creatively :-/
Thanks Wade and hope things turn around!
Brother will come better days, as we say in my country to go ahead, there you voted with this fantastic drawing
I feel so sorry for that boy....:(
I want you to get better @overkillcoin!
Don't get bitter, get better!!!
and I like this one...
"Don't hate, educate!"
Damn... I didn't know cats ate watermelon..
Armor-piercing mosquito)))
seems like somebody was being a jerk to you... I am so sorry to hear that you had to deal with these messed up people....yes drawing and coloring are meditating, so maybe it's good to draw more and post more on steemit to detox!
I hope you will have nicer day :)
Of course life always brings critical people, that's to be expected, but when they turn the tables and accuse YOU, then it's really aggravating :D
I will always try, whether I post on Steem on not depends on how generous life is with free time. Unlike last year, I can't afford to 'force' myself to post ;D
buen dia amigo,saludos
Que buen dibujo amigo @overkillcoin, felicitaciones por mostrarnos tu arte, aqui en Venezuela el Verano es muy caliente hace mucho calor y ocurre algo muy similar a lo que ocurre con tu dibujo, se Derrite el Helado rapidamente. Saludos
I AM TRYING TO BE NOTICED by typing in all caps!
Hope the blues fade soon so you can enjoy that yummy ice cream cone before the sun monster gets to it. You are a very talented artist!
I think typing in all caps is often under-rated!
That was in no way a self portrait hahah...
Thanks! I have reduced my posts to about 3 a week, I really miss creating regularly :)
Are you saying you don't own a pair of those cool velcro shoes or the rad toad t-shirt? ;)
I don't post often, but do see how challenging it is to motivate oneself to post daily. Especially for authors that spend time creating (albeit in art, music, or writing) and not being rewarded anywhere close to the payouts of "Trending". It seems simpler to put up a photography or meme posts these days. Follow the crowd.
So true, for about a year, I posted almost every day -- but between low prices and general life turbulence, I just can't keep it up any more...
I may try doing simpler posts, but I'd feel kind of bad about it :D
There should be the bitcoin involved in this picture because it is also having rough summer.
But most little kids don't trade bitcoin. :D
Are you calling me a kid? :'(
No, the current drawing feature a little kid in his summer. Why would he be a bitcoin trader, he can barely walk!
I'm also not trading in bitcoin, so i assume you have said it to me :p
I dont trade either :D
so we both are like this kid :p
It's funny when people think they can be horrid but it's ok if they just tag a disclaimer on the end of their wretchedness, like 'oh I'm just joking, or take a chill pill' :)
On social media, it's "just sayin'" haaha, but I use that a lot as well... :D
Yes. This is the great idea to attract people on your way. Wish you will not see a single bad day in your life.
When ppl hear me bellyache about loser jerks, they line up for miles to experience the funs! :D
Drawing is the best way to cope this bad summer, like you did last year.
Drawing gives you the chance to draw what ever happening in your mind.
keep it up.
It especially helps when I can't sleep. USually I think it helps for me to have some food, I don't sleep good when hungry :D
Hahahaha, the footer image is funnier than the art itself.
Thanks King James, that either means I failed in the drawing -- or -- the footer was a smash success :D
I want to Draw :(
I want to draw also :(
This is just a scribble time :(
Lol, the dog looks pretty happy. I'd say the balloon too but it's an inanimate object.
My favourite part would be the frog on his shirt (for some reason). The past few drawings aren't planned out, I just kind of day dream them into existence :D
Lol. Just noticed that. And that a mozzie is about to burst that happy balloon bubble!
The sun has a funny mouth, like a gold fish or something...
Never heard them called, "mozzies" before, makes them sound so friendly! :D
I think the angry sun is my favourite. I keep laughing it.
The sun has a funny mouth, like a gold fish or something...
Never heard them called, "mozzies" before, makes them sound so friendly! :D
Ha ha... things look bad for this kid with cat spitting watermelon seeds, sun melting your ice cream, dog licking it up and a mosquito about to pop your balloon.
Someone needs a chill pill. Life is to short to let others fuck you over. Be happy.
I hope you never have a weirdo up in your face. It's nauseating for sure! :D
Maybe we can send Trogdor to his house :D
v nice post plz upvote and like my post guys I need your help wana increase my power plz thnks
If you EVER say that to me again, I will flag you, this is VERY unprofessional of you >:(
I did not know you could describe my boss with such nice words
Some people can't be content unless they have repeated their tired, unwelcome and sickening pontifications... you'd think they'd find a new way to be a plague every now and then 😂 😂 😂
your's is not worse than mine ,lol
Maybe we can trade summers! Only joking!!! :D