Examples of my collagraph prints from string

in #art9 years ago (edited)

Collograph prints and plates
18th July 2016 by Ophelia Fu Art https://steemit.com/@opheliafu

Welcome to my Steemit blog, I started using recycled materials such as card, string and left over collage materials to make my own collagraph print plates. I glued my materials to a thick card base with PVA. This is a great technique to use with school children or in art workshops as it’s inexpensive and introduces the concept of relief printing.

They are easy to make and produce a variety of textured prints.

I try to use a variety of paper to print on, old sheet music, book pages. I think it creates a nice look to the finished print.

I started adding sequins, fruit netting and paper doilies to the print plates. I like the shapes these create on the prints, and it is quite nice when the odd sequin sticks to a print too! A sprinkle of glitter on your print plate also produces a nice result.

You can use printing inks, but I find children’s cheap ready-mix (poster paint) paint works nicely. Print a variety of bright colours by liberally squirting the paint on, or use a brush to apply it with more accuracy. After printing a few rounds of pure colour rub black onto your print plate for some contrasting prints. I like my messy prints, but I also like the effect of the last few prints before the paint runs out.

See my next post for a step by step guide to making a collograph print plate.


These are pretty sweet! I like the one second to the top