
Hug right back, Hobbits unite!


Waiting for the Elfs story-line eagerly from the movie series......

To tell you the truth, I would rather hangout with the dwarfs, elves are kindof stuckup...but anymore story lines regarding the beginning of middle earth. I read this book when I was a teenager and it felt like I was reading the Christian bible...lololol

The Silmarillion. Ed. Christopher Tolkien. George Allen and Unwin, London, 1977. Tolkien’s own mythological tales, collected together by his son and literary executor, of the beginnings of Middle-earth (and the tales of the High Elves and the First Ages) which he worked on and rewrote over more than 50 years.

But Elves are so cute!!!!

Dwarfs very obstinate....But Hobbits awesome...

I never read any of those books but have seen Lord of the Rings and The Hobbits like 50 times in total!

I was grounded to my bedroom a lot and the hobbit, lord of the rings saved my sanity. I learned I could go anywhere in the universe with a good book ;-). You should read the original version of the Hobbit, it was my favorite as a kid because the war scenes were boring lololol


I will look for a hard copy, i will be distracted if i download an e-copy