face sketch - artwork by oender tuerk design

in #art6 years ago (edited)



Yesterday I had such a day / night again, where I had the desire to draw something but I did not know what...
Mostly it is then so that I just start and then quickly lose the desire again...
Lately I miss the desire to draw anyway. I think about to stop drawing for a while. I have often had such breaks in the past. It really does not make sense to torture myself.
Instead of dealing with it, not thinking about it and completely fading it out. A break is actually always good, because then you can recharge your power and with new energy, from another point of view with new energy to ran the thing again.
I think that will do me good.

In time, I will definely be more concerned with Photoshop and image editing.


Gestern hatte ich wieder so einen Tag / eine Nacht, wo ich zwar die Lust hatte etwas zu zeichnen aber ich nicht wußte was...
Meist ist es dann so, dass ich dann einfach Anfange und dann sehr schnell wieder die Lust wieder verliere...
In letzter Zeit fehlt mir eh die Lust zum Zeichnen. Ich überlege für eine Zeitlang nichts mehr zu Zeichnen. Solche pausen hatte ich in der Vergangenheit öfters eingelegt. Es hat echt keinen Sinn sich zu quälen.
Mich dann stattdessen gar nicht mehr damit zu beschäftigen, nicht dran denken und vollkommen ausblenden. Eine Auszeit tut eigentlich immer gut, weil man dann quasi seine Power auflädt und mit neuer Energie, aus einem anderen Blickwinkel mit neuem Elan an die Sache ran geht.
Ich glaube, das wird mir gut tun.

In der Zeit werde ich mich dann bestimmt mehr mit Photoshop und der Bildbearbeitung beschäftigen.

you can find this work also
at my DeviantArt & Instagram


NIICE...sehr gut !

Hi dear @oendertuerk This situation is temporary. Your entry into this situation does not mean that you have lost the imagination, inspiration or ability to practice the things you love. In my opinion, this is a healthy condition for the artist because he needs to restore his calculations and renew his artistic ability. Temporary and very short) to restore enthusiasm and return better by. But if it lasts here will fall in a big problem to disrupt your creativity and can lose you drawing skill!

you're right man, and thank you for your words ! ;)

This is really really good
Impressive for pencil work.

The new energy is breath taking.
I'll leave it simple"those hands are gifted", believe me.....well finished master piece.

I think that's a natural thing. Sometimes inspiration comes and goes. Even if imposed there may be less sense of satisfaction in the heart later. That's what distinguishes a professional from those who do not, I think that way.

Have a wonderful day!

thank you for your words @seha76!
my best wishes

wow ... impressive skills, wonderful art

Kenne das Gefühl. Meistens wenn ich in der Uni bin mir Denke "Jetzt voll Lust das und das zu machen". Dann fängt man an und hat nach 5 Minuten keine Lust mehr

hehe... ja so ungefähr @momekato :))

Wow, you are good. The eye is sparkling, the mouth is very expressive and the nose is perfect.

As a self-taught artist for the life of me, it seems as if I will never master painting a nose. It takes forever for it to actually come together.

Enough of me... your face is perfect.
I will follow you to perhaps... pick up some creative tips.

you should practice much until you get it. it took time until i mastered it... :)

Echt tolles Foto ehm ich meine Zeichnung :D Nein im ernst sieht echt gut aus. Man merkt einfach das du ein kleiner Künstler bist ;) Aber jetzt im ernst du hast das doch mit Photoshop editiert :P

Excelente trabajo.

gracias mi amiga! ;)

hello, I draw realism, and your technique is incredible, I love your drawing, congratulations and blessings

A break is always good idea, but never put it away for ever. You have a gift and should share it with the world. Don't stop now, us steemians wanna see more art work on here.

A break is always good idea, but never put it away for ever. You have a gift and should share it with the world. Don't stop now, us steemians wanna see more art work on here.

i will not stop forever, only a break. in the meanwhile i will do other creative things ;)

The image and the write up is so so captivating but what caught my attention the most is this " a break is actually always good, because then u can recharge ur power and with new energy, from another point of view with new energy to run the thing again" this is because i know the feeling and a break is really good to make u start afresh and in as much as u r starting afresh, u become stronger and wiser than u were in the past and things don't get to you easily anymore.

right @steemvef, indeed it is so. thank you for your words! ;))

You are most welcome

I like it! A very expressive drawing.