Well, I have to say, I dream a lot, in fact I think I dream every night but I don´t remember all of them when I wake up. But my sister is like the lady you knew. She told me she didn´t dream until recently. She hadn´t have a dream in her entire life until now... It sound so strange to me, because I am use to dream. I have even dreamed things that happened in the future. My dreams are so vivid, the colors, the feelings, sounds, everything except the smells and taste of things are in my dreams.
I have read dream interpretation books, but they have not seemed serious to me. I believe that dreams is the only way to connect with an ethereal world that surrounds us but that we do not perceive when we are awake, or it is very difficult. It is a great theme... love it.
Thank you! Happy to hear that I didnt meet the only dreamless person! :)