@NoNamesLeftToUse slept in on a Thursday.
It is -40° outside.
Hell is about to freeze over.

Coming all this way. You beat the system. You got away. You found the door that leads us astray.
No more wallowing in the pits of hell. Only a few more steps to go. How long have you been here? It feels like forever.
Naked, filthy, cut-up and bruised; you walk.
Closer and closer! You're almost there!
You feel the temperature dropping. Finally this never ending sauna of despair starts to feel at least slightly like the answer to your prayer.
You make it. You pause.
On the other side of the door leading out of hell is Saskatchewan, Canada. -40° Celsius. This can't be right.
You were tricked!!!
That's what you get for stealing Netflix!

omg that is freaking cold!
The picture up top is just Amazing ! How did you get it to have so much motion / movement in it? Also it seems to have a 3D vibe to it !
Hey DJ! I remember you from the chat. This was your second post on Steemit? Cool! Welcome! Enjoy that little gift I just gave you.
How did I? Painstakingly staring for many hours. Trade secrets! I have my own thing going here and I'm slowly perfecting my own techniques. Just enjoy it! I like that one too.
Hello everyone. It seems quiet in here today. Or maybe I bombed attempting to write up a quick short-form post for you all to enjoy. Can't win them all I guess!
I'm currently attempting to recharge my voting power. It's getting far too low, so that must be remedied. I do hope you understand. I vote way too much. Please don't be offended if I can't make it to your posts today. Things will get better soon!
Thank you for your attention.
(the self vote is there to bump this to the top and will be removed later)
It's really hard to keep my finger off the trigger.
Hold your hands out of the window for a few minutes. It'll make it a bit easier.
What a cool post. I like your style.
The red really is hellish...
I bounce around from darkness to humor a lot. Red is everywhere on my blog. I can't seem to get enough of it!
Your weather is trying to inch down here and mess with me in a few days here, but I think it's going to warm up to about 5 degrees F by the time we get it. The ice looks good through that little doorway in the image, or it looks like hell out there-- a matter of perspective.
@therealpaul always seems to understand my art. That art is also the reason why I slept in today. That hell took an eternity to produce. ...then I ruin it with a Netflix joke. Hmmmm. You know what it is? Brain freeze. It's cold out there.
Oh this one was easy, it's title gives it away, and the only question is, am I in hell, or is it out there? Or is that door 'in', and the art depicts a walk- in freezer on a summer's day?
I'm just going to say thanks. Thanks for taking the time to appreciate that. These winter blues have a firm grip on my state of mind.
Not sure where you are, but you'll probably enjoy this with the weather comment..! I laughed a lot.
Whoa! Saskatchewan. That's where I spend a lot of my time as well..
I enjoyed that article. We're obviously insane to live here. I see hurricanes on tv. Those people are worried and I'm thinking, yeah, but that storm is only going to last a couple of days.
People probably think we're crazy. Growing up in rural Saskatchewan meant even at the age of five, I would get dressed up and head outside in these temperatures. I'd walk nearly a kilometer. Stand there, at the end of the road, and wait for a school bus at 7:20 am... in the dark. I'm a survivor!
Seriously!! So hilarious. Our ancestors were insane.
Haha--well done. A little too crass and much for me, but well done :). Honestly.. it feels like a badge of honour to be from here. There's a pride in surviving it.
Oops. Sorry about that. He's a comedian. Incredibly smart too. Comedy is kind of taking a beating these days. I never seem to know when it's appropriate. My bad.
I guess I survived not only the cold, but a bad joke as well!
Three days ago we were freaking out because of the heat - it was 90F here in your freaky temperature scale...
I'd be able to walk on that water if that water was here.
Hahaha. Oh, the horror!
I cannot fathom how cold that is! I am here in Florida in the mid fifties and I think it is cold! Stay warm and stay bundled!
You know what's interesting? -40 C and -40 F are nearly identical. It's damn cold! If you throw a pot of boiling water into the air, it all turns into a frozen mist instantly.
I instantly looked it up to see and saw the same thing on google! My mind was blown!!! I have wondered if urine freezes in mid air. My father always told me it would when it was cold out! I never had the opportunity to try! lol
I took one for the team. It's still safe to urinate outside when it's cold like this. I still don't recommend it though. The urine won't freeze, but the skin might(especially if it's one of those annoyingly long ones where you drink one beer but seem to piss out four beers)!
Could you post selfies?
Pictures or it didn't happen?
Haha I just busted out laughing reading this! And my girlfriend goes "What are you laughing at? Do you have a Steem person you are laughing at?" Hehe
Perfect! Someone laughed today.
Mission Complete!
talking about heat in my country we are cooking, you can not even walk barefoot
Walk barefoot here and your toes will eventually fall off.
we are in a similar situation of pain then hahaha
Thank you for sharing this post.
don't forget to visit my blog.The story is very interesting and worth to read @nonameslefttouse
what's behind the blue hole?By the way I love that "Muahahaha" laugh :D
what a fucking nightmare.