Sometimes I want to raise my fist in the air. "I'm pissed in a public square!"
Yet I exist, nowhere.
What is fair in this world? Why care when the thought gets hurled into the air, comes unfurled and is met with a blank stare?
Thanks for the look, I guess. No need for me to open the book on stress and cook up another lonely mess. Already took down the best and disturbed the rest. Don't want to destroy what's left of the happiness.
Dressed in a frown. What happens when the unhappy clown comes back to town?

I think he'll drown.
That would be okay. I like swimming and going deep anyway. Skimming the surface is no way to play.
I feel unloved, every day. Even when you're kind I still find myself lost in the world I tried to leave behind.
Am I just blind? Is my mind truly signed on to grind until it unwinds entirely, before I can admire me?
It's a game?
Take a seat and complete me.
Instead they cheat me and beat me. Took an axe to the knee. I'm a tree for the chopping and my blood's free and slopping up the only window left to see through. No time to rewind and review.
No key for the door. Leaving: a chore. My words are a bore? My feelings are just lore?
All washed up on the shore.
Rarely doing my own thing anymore.
Can't win a war if you're dying on the floor.
They're always so happy.
And think mine is fake but I put smiles on faces just to have something to make. Everything they take gets returned. So, why am I the one feeling burned?
Suppose everyone asks that question when it's time to freshen up and have a lesson learning session.
I worked too hard just to have them come say my soul is charred. Entered my yard and played the victim card as if life is so hard they feel others should be scarred for no reason other than it's the season to be a beast and feast on the least of my worries?
Blow everything out of proportion? Pressure me with a form of extortion?
"You should have been an abortion!"
How does one grow so much mold being so cold? Does placing insanity on waivers come with bold fresh new and exciting flavors? Being a dick is the dance and they're the new ravers?
As easy as putting on pants. Being a prick in stride, one leg at a time, they'll prance around making those hateful sounds, but can't even walk the line?
Never again.
Being baited into feeling hated became a trend. Feels like that time you waited for that friend slated to arrive but they never showed up in the end. Rolled up in nothingness. It's all pretend.
On with the show. The remaining few still see my glow. Got this flow that'll help me grow like a snowball. Throw me at the wall and I'll just fly like the crow y'all.
Don't like me, then leave me be. Your problems are yours and one can't reach the plateau by letting others know how low you'll go.
Don't want to be that guy. Feeling good makes me high and I like to share that pie with all the passersby because I'm good at it, in case you're wondering why.
That wannabe hater infamy doesn't please me. Making people think, getting smiles and eyes on the work they can see for miles. That's my honey. Have a drink.
Art without eyes is like walking to the store without thighs and no money.
And isn't it funny? Even with so many trials and people constantly twisting my dials, the days are still sunny and my aisles constantly jammed with new styles.
Energizer Bunny got nothing on me and there are no exiles.
Destroyed profiles are self-inflicted and come with the crocodile tears fully scripted.
Was it a diss? I don't see the point or what they meant when they said I'm such a disappointment. Built myself up from nothing. Now I can push a button that's worth a whole muffin.
So what if it took many years. For the most part it kept me off the beers. Got drunk off those cheers and started to like what I see when I looked in the mirrors.
Not only do I wear it, now I can share it.
Try to take it all away from me? Of course I'll fight.
In the most messed up way, I'll come to you at night. In your dreams I just might shine a light on you until you become bright. Lifting you up until you're in flight while you're kicking and screaming with all of your might at the sight of yourself being frozen with fright!
Then you'll know something isn't right, but that's what you get for fucking with Waksleight.

Have a nice day.

Waksleight is handing out waivers he signed like autographs in neon colors and each recipient immediately licks the signature. Interestingly, Waksleight seems very focused on providing new flavors, because even the hood of his coat has an eccentric waiter (which I initially took for a penis but immediately decided that was unsatisfactory) holding up a platter. On this particular platter their appears to be a mini-me.
Man receives red colored signature on waiver and licks it. "Whoa. I got mini-me flavor. Tastes like sweat."
Then there is the forehead situation, where Waksleight seems to be forcing the god-like part of his subconscious out of his third eye, and he is offering up the universe or something along those lines, minus the platter. That sort of thing doesn't fit on a platter.
Woman receives light blue colored signature on waiver and licks it. "I got enlightenment flavor! Oh my god, give me more Waksleight! Give me more!"
Waksleight's famous new-flavored waiver wafers can be found at the Waksleight Food Truck, parked on Mainstreet from 6-8 Fridays and Saturdays.
I can see how that could be interpreted as being a dick hood but of course I'm happy you looked closer and noticed all that other shit happening.
Of course you caught me late in the evening chilling after a hot day while I'm speechless and totally teachless if that's even a word anymore. It's underlined and finding out is a chore. At least you're not a bore when you come knock on my door with these comments I adore.
Waksleight is clearly a substance dealer. I don't know how I didn't see this.
You caught me late in the evening chilling after 48 hours in the land of flowers. Oh yes, that is a place.

Anyway, I wouldn't go so far as to call him a dealer. He isn't doing anything illicit - he's got a food truck license after all. Although he might be kinda selling his body with those flavors, so, maybe there is another term that could be applied to him.
Body harvester?
Do not go far. I logged on to make a post but I need a photo first......
You will see....
That's one word I don't like. I never use it. It's filthy.
I think anyone who says, "Cure," is a massive cunt.
ba dum tss
Brilliant line! If I ever use it, which I might, I will be sure to *footnote you!
As for Waksleight...
Have you been talking about Aliens with my Mom? It's her new passion at the age of 85 and 11/12th years of age.
Now you have me wondering what she would make him for dinner if he ever stopped over.....After they had Hors D'oeuvres and cocktails first, of course.
I love the inner glow, as only you can do!
Your art always makes me smile and spin stories in my head.
This was just what I needed tonight!
Thank you!
With all the talk of aliens and flying mysteries these days, Waksleight finally felt safe to come out from hiding.
I'm happy to hear you had fun with this one.
I did :D
I also tried to send nice hivian a delegation but it will not let me until my power-down is finished and I still have 8 more days to go to pay off my new computer chair....
We can delegate RC now so I did that.
Hello, my friend! :D
I thought you might like that one. I was in the mood for it today, so I thought I would share.
It becomes a crime to keep all deep belly laughs to yourself!
Okay going back and properly reading your post now!
Damn. You're a fucking genius. How long did it take to write?
The writing I picked away at for a few days until I was happy with it. Started out as a quick freestyle/free write then I kept building on. Was actually alternating between the writing and art for almost a week.
Well you did a great job. I knew it took awhile.. but not that long. I would never be able to maintain focus or commitment that long
Well I wasn't going at it 24/7. Still needed time to live as well. Doing a million things at once. Only problem is not many people come by anymore; seems quiet. At the end of the day, it's still something I enjoy doing, a lot, and it'll be here forever so it's not a pointless endeavor. People can look whenever. They'll know how to find it if they're clever. See I pulled the rhyming lever?
Now you're just showing off..
I sincerely hope to never be woken by Waksleight!
Waksleight kept me awake for almost a week!
And yes, Waksleight can make you see yourself having nightmares. That's how bad it gets. I'm glad he's on my team.
I hope he is on your team and not just lulling you!!
Nighttime posting, outrageous!
What makes you think he's not trustworthy? The name? lol I thought it was clever and also another #1 hit on google, like all my art names are these days.
And dude I got everything finished and the draft ready for morning, and I fucking hit publish by mistake again. I've done that several times in my life now. So whatever. I'll just stay up all night...
Lol. I did think it was unusual that it was a night time one. I have done that before. Pain in the chuff.
Sports good to have those individual Google hits!
Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be the result of someone's typo! Maybe they'll come and tell me I'm the best accident they ever had!
Lol!! It's gonna happen. They are one mis-step away from finding your daubings !!!
I like Waksleight a lot like bike lights at night dog.
Waksleight is chill AF without the pill to swallow or the bill making the wallet hollow. Took skill to climb that hill. A hard act to follow.
Hollow acts are tough to follow back like that but riddles make it simple like syrup with dimples.
Nice posting time.. rhymes with something.
My head fizzled out and started to sizzle at the thought I can't seem to chisel out of my brain without pain. No way to gain the rhyme you're hinting at. It's driving me insane!
I've been up all night. Posted by mistake or habit or muscle memory or some weird shit. I guess I'll be Hive's Saturday morning cartoons. Someone's gotta do it...
I liked the rhyme here very much, I just couldn't pass it by🤧😅
And the artworks you used here, abstract but epic.
Ps:I wonder what's the inspiration behind your signature, the red carvings. They look distinct too.
Some things are better left in that state of wonder. I don't think I've ever fully explained it. It evolved over the years and used to change every year as well but I settled on this design in 2017. Simple and recognizable are two good qualities of any signature used in this way, which is more like a logo.
So this has been here for 6 years, amazing. It matches the simple and recognizable qualities perfectly.
Hhmmm vampire alien interesting thought, I can imagine it took a while to create him.
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻😊Great read @nonameslefttouse in the early morning.
Yes, this interesting thought/alien vampire sucked a lot of time out of me. Suppose that's par for the course.
Thanks for coming and have yourself a tremendous weekend!
Yep… all part of the game 😉
You are welcome, thank you kindly. Will do… you do the same.
I have been moving countries, so haven’t been around much. But catching up now 🤓
Moving is always fun. I need to do that again someday. Hopefully to a place where I have no clue what's going on and don't speak the language, just to keep things interesting.
Yes why not.
This is close to my 50th move… yep that’s no typo. I just arrived in country of residence number 7.
And that’s exactly what I did a few times. When I moved to Spain alone… I didn’t speak the language and had to figure out everything. I lived there 8 years. Also Malta was the same… although my English is improving rapidly since I started writing here.
I can speak it but didn’t know the right writing ✍🏻 hahaha 😜 funny thing you don’t realise/ know. I learned English the parrot fashion way… still muddle up words like heart and heard to me it sounds all the same.
But I digress.
I love moving countries and starting from scratch. I don’t know anybody here, never even have visited before. This wasn’t even planned.
I moved from Spain to Scotland only last December… but they refused my residency due to Brexit (I’m EU)
So had to move out again and did so a few weeks ago. I posted the whole journey from Spain to Scotland a few months ago and I am posting this new journey now. In parts.
Let’s say… it is interesting to say the least. Up to new adventures 😎
The world seems to come to Canada, so when you're in a big city, you hear all the languages and all the accents. Getting on a bus or train can be like moving to a new country for a few minutes. Makes life interesting.
Really, that’s interesting…
I can imagine that must be fun, hopping on public transport and hearing so many languages and accents.
It’s fun you pretend not to understand and can still follow conversations. Not that we would do that on purpose… but could create some interesting adventures 😉
Makes life indeed interesting!
Maybe I have to visit one day Canada, it’s on my list anyway… one day.
Wow wow wow. Interesting stuffs here @nonameslefttouse. You write factual amazing stuffs and I had a good time reading through.
For sure art speaks loud enough and those with the easiest mind would grab the meaning faster.
One may be right to say art breeds lively living, reigniting and reuniting beings.
Weldon sir
I like how you put that. The easiest minds do get it. And the arts started, many generations ago, during periods of relaxation as well. Plenty of historical truth to what you just said.
Good to see you! Thanks for coming.
Good to see you too always at all my post.
Am glad you always come by. That's a huge encouragement for me
Thank you sir
Waksleight looks like a white outcast for rapping in America lol. He could also be the lead in the twilight movie. I hope he doesn't haunt my dreams for making so many jokes about him.
He probably won't haunt your dreams for that. He knows rap is from everyone and he'll make it big. If he thinks like me he might not light that Twilight comment much. But hey, it would be a good payday.
Waksleight doesn't need straps.
In this way we see that people work hard all day and night and they try to make the world that comes to them or sees them happy, but the world mocks them, it is very sad. And when they see all this, tears come to their eyes.
I guess that would be the gentle and straightforward way of seeing the message here. Interesting.
Wow, I really like the way you write mate. It's deep it's really deep.
He will do his job which to make everyone smile, but no one could she tears in his eyes because they hide behind his mask.
I don't always write like this. Feels like an experiment every time.
And yeah, a good clown never smears their paint.
I would call it a successful experiment.
What will happen if the clown stops to make others smile? will people still love him? or start hating him?
Probably love to hate him. People these days...
feeling sad for him.
Remember that everyone feels frustrated and unloved. Kindness may not help, but your worth isn't based on others' opinions. Self-acceptance and individuality are journeys.
Fear not. I'm a traveler.
Just FYI, this song rocks!
I will be looking up more by themz
They have a few good tracks. Might be tough to find.
I will look on Tuesday to see what else I can find.
I love the write-up is being composed, for intelligent ones , thanks for sharing
Thanks, but it's for dumb people too.
That was a joke.
So, it's for me :D
Welcome to the Dumb People Anonymous meeting. Unfortunately, I see you've already introduced yourself.
Don't worry. That happens a lot here.
oops, I should have not introduced myself :P
Your first comment on Hive was noice.
Seem like my first interaction on hive was noice.
Now we're having a noice conversation.
and i hope your having a noice day
Thanks for the noice words. Have a noice time on Hive. You might run out of Resource Credits(RC) soon, which won't be noice, but it does recharge, and powering up some Hive will solve that issue, or someone can loan you some for free probably if they're noice.
I know these RC things i will come back in 7days with the comments rewards i will have some Hivepower i guess
now you are the noice one
#hive #posh
Thanks. Maybe Elon will see my post now.
Welcome.🤣 Hope so.
Someone already used that comment.
That's an improvement and shows you pay attention.
thank you very much :D