In life, we toiled away to have the things that we need or desire.
We pushed ourselves to reach our potential, and pushed more to reach the highest peak.
We worked hard for a bright, unblemished future.
I tell myself to 'Don't give up' whenever I feel tired and discouraged.
But the truth is, my mind and soul are relieved when I stopped fighting the current too much.
Giving up is often seen like a defeat, that's why we are used to not give up, but indeed, it is just about releasing resistance to what is...and this feel so good to let go and follow the flow of our inner vibes... ;-)
Beautiful drawing Noela ^_^
Exactly. Sometimes, we're so focused on one thing, not giving up on it until we're satisfied, that we forgot about other stuffs. Once we give up, we'll be able to enjoy other things in life and give ourselves much relief...
Beautifully drawn and written. Totally agree with you. You've gained yourself a follower @noelaattlee ! 100% upvoted & resteemed.
Thank you very much!
Beautiful illustration
Thank you very much!