Headed to Coachella with no real plans other than knowing I needed to be a part of this cryptochella evolution.
Rented a car and a house for about 1800 fiat in miracle hill, about 40 minutes form location, on a whim, a day before the event.
Spent 600 on art supplies, packed the car and embarked on a mini roadtrip across vegas, horse shoe bend and off the palms springs, and this vortex vibe has been at an all-time high.
Ended up kicking it at the pond estate in palms, with the all public art magical team and bubblo. Hung up my pieces right quick and got to converse about changing the future now with some interesting humans.
Spray painted flow reflections and activations of the desert and ocean
Auctioning them tonight! along with the btc piece from the LA show
Excited to speak on this blockchain art panel at capitalism 2050 tonight!
All of this trusting the universe stuff is bizarre to say the least but my takeaways are as follows:
if you want to be / paint / speak somewhere, email, call, hustle and if all fails, show up to network in person, state your case, make it happen.
invest in yourself, your art supplies or ninja elements you need to be ready to take action when the opportunity sparks
decide what your reality is and dont settle for a different one
work hard to be where you want to be and accept the rewards you deserve. this means working on your moral compass and alignment, making sure thoughts words and actions are in accordance with one another.
transmute fear of massive exposure or ambitious ridiculous projects into excitement to channel into existence
put your body where your thoughts are
connect genuinely with people, beyond their pockets, titles, or faces
always be willing to help others and get stuff done yourself, respecting other's visions
trust that your intuition based investments (ai spending 3k on a coachella experiment with no cushion) will pay off, make it happen until it does
abundance of opportunities and monetary rewards are often not linear or logical
Following bliss and intuition feels like a full-time hallucinogenic trip of consciousness expansion, every detail and color is heightened, conversations in flow grow our gardens and seed our travels, heart-centered compasses connect collaborations and greater missions to evolve together.
Feeling thankful for partners in adventure, epic community of supportive hippiepreneurs
Maybe we get into Coachella tonight somehow, regardless, living this dream is the best life i could ask for.
Looking forward to advocating more on the opinion economy, redefining wealth, abundance and magic, and documenting this madness however I can in ways that will hopefully be useful for others.
What are you manifesting? what steps does it take to get there? what other things can I write about which might be useful for you?
thank you for reading, much love!
Another upvote for you my friend
gracias!! <3 :) following and growing with this community also
Click here to learn more!You've received an upvote from a @slothicorn! (@justatouchfey) ((.)ω(.))
wiii <3 the slothicornians connect! <3 i lookk fwrd to our full collab soon! perhaps www.anarchaportugal.com
Wow beautiful works. 👌👍
aii gracias!! <3
@nanuberks amazing work. The BTC one really stands out! And the pants in the 1st picture - awesome.
connect genuinely with people, beyond their pockets, titles, or faces
I agree, the Bitcoin piece is my favorite! #MuchWow
:) gracias lindaa un abrazo!!
hahahhah gracias, so much love right back!
:) gracias lindaa un abrazo!!