Platonic Idealism, Starcraft and Virtualization / Eflatun'un İdealizmi, Starcraft ve Sanallaşma

in #art7 years ago (edited)


Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, argued that we should look beyond what we perceive. According to him, the objects we see with our eyes is a the reflection of universal ideal forms.

In his famous cave allegory, Plato depicts three prisoners held in chains inside a cave. Because the prisoners arms and legs are tied and their heads are fixed, they cannot look anywhere other than the cave wall. A fire burns behind the prisoners and people outside the cave carry animals, plants, trees and stone on their heads as they walk along. Think that you are one of the prisoners. You can't look back or sideways, you have to look at the cave wall in front of you. As people walk along the way, shadows appear on the wall of the cave. Since the prisoners were born in the cave, they do not know what real world look like. Since they have never seen the world outside, they think that the shadows of objects are real.

One of the prisoners leaves the cave, discovers the world outside the cave, becomes shocked, doubts the reality of what he sees. As he gets used to his new surroundings, he realizes that the perception of the old reality is wrong. He begins to understand his new world and understands that the sun is the source of life. Discovers beauty and meaning. He goes back to the cave thinking about how bad his old life was. He tells the other prisoners what he knows. The prisoners don't believe him and told that if he try to free them, they'll kill him.

The artist is the one who is not satisfied with everyday reality. He tries to build new worlds in the hope of creating a kind of reflection of universal ideal forms. In Plato's time, this fictional reality was tried to be created by sculpture and theatre. Then the art of painting developed, with the Renaissance fed from ancient Greek philosophy.

Religions are an important alternative to art in the way of creating universal ideal forms. Christianity went on to make use of the feelings created by painting and sculpture in order to express superiority. The churches functioned as a center where artistic forms were displayed. Islam, of course, also used art to express transcendent feelings, but in mosques, unlike churchs, only abstract, figurative elements were used.

The dome of Selimiye Mosque located in Edirne-Turkey

Art is forbidden in the Wahhabi belief which is the most bigoted interpretation of Islam. The owners of this belief, as ISID did in the Syria and Taliban did in Afghanistan, vandalize the architectural and artistic works when they took power.

Until the 19th century, art, theatre, music, sculpture and architectural works were only visible on site. Therefore, a limited number of people could benefit from artistic beauty. At the beginning of the 19. century the camera was invented.

The first photograph that includes people from 1838, source: Wikipedia

In 1895, the Lumiere brothers performed their first commercial film show in Paris. The first films were silent, black and white, and they were under 1 minute. In 1927, Warner company released the first audio film called The Jazz Singer. By the end of 1929, sounded films was now all over the industry. Cinema and music became an industry with the help of technology and now the masses have become able to access works of art. The positive and negative effects of this situation on the art can be discussed. I'm not going into this discussion to keep this up.

The film was fine, but it didn't let depict all the imaginative images, as in literature and painting. Although a variety of visual effects were introduced in the early years of cinema, however, the scenes to be shown were to be largely true. With the help of computer technology in the '70s and' 80s, visual effects technology developed and expanded the horizons of cinema.

On the cinema screen, the audience had the opportunity to watch images of almost pure imagination. But cinema still had a shortcoming. The audience could not be directly involved in the events, was able to watch the protagonists on the screen from the outside. At this stage, the computer games came into play. Hero movements in computer games can be determined by the audience. The player is in the center of the events.

The possibilities of computer games are also appreciated by consumers. In 2016, the movie industry's box office revenue was $ 38.6 billion.Only PC games generated 34 billion dollars. In addition, console games have generated revenues of $ 30 billion and mobile games of $ 40 billion. Today, the gaming industry has more than twice the revenue of the cinema industry.

The new generation enjoys spending time in imaginary worlds created through video games. For example, my 14-year-old son misses no opportunity to dive into the magical world of computer games. He likes StarCraft as much as I do. It's good for both of us to spend time in the worlds of the Protoss, Terran and Zerg races of pure fantasy.

image source:

This virtualisation, which is ongoing, brings you to the daily life and the alienation of the environment. Parents complain that they can't see their children's faces. They are concerned that children will lose in the imaginary worlds and cannot fulfill their responsibilities.

I can not decide whether the video game enthusiasts are inside or outside, according to Plato's Cave allegory. It depends on the interpretation. As the virtualisation continues as fast as it can, we will have plenty of time to discuss this in the future.

Thanks for reading.

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Eflatun'un İdealizmi, Starcraft ve Sanallaşma

Eski Yunan filozofu Platon gözle görülenin, algılananın ötesine bakmak gerektiğini savunurdu. Ona göre gözümüzle gördüğümüz nesneler evrensel ideal formların bir tür yansımasıydı.

Ünlü mağara alegorisinde Platon bir mağaranın içinde zincirlenmiş bir biçimde tutulan üç mahkumu tasvir eder. Mahkumlar kolları ve bacakları bağlı ve başları sabitlenmiş olduğu için karşılarındaki mağara duvarı dışında hiçbir yere bakamazlar. Mahkumların arkasında bir ateş yanar ve mağaranın dışındaki insanlar bir yürüyüş yolu boyunca yürürken kafalarında hayvanlar, bitkiler, ağaç ve taş gibi şeyler taşırlar. Mahkumlardan biri olduğunuzu düşünün. Arkanıza veya yanınıza bakamazsınız, önünüzdeki mağara duvarına bakmalısınız. İnsanlar yürüyüş yolu boyunca yürürken, mağaranın karşı duvarında gölgeleri belirir. Mahkumlar doğduklarından beri mağarada oldukları için gerçek dünyayı bilmemektedir. Dışarıdaki dünyayı hiç görmedikleri için nesnelerin gölgelerinin gerçek olduğunu sanmaktadırlar.

Mahkumlardan biri mağaradan kaçarak ayrılır, mağaranın dışındaki dünyayı keşfedince şok olur, gördüklerinin gerçekliğinden şüphe duyar. Yeni çevresine alıştıkça, eski gerçeklik algısının yanlış olduğunu fark eder. Yeni dünyasını anlamaya başlar ve güneşin yaşamın kaynağı olduğunu görür. Güzelliği ve anlamını keşfeder. Eski hayatının ne kadar kötü olduğu düşünerek mağaraya döner. Diğer mahkumlara bildiklerini anlatır. Mahkumlar ona inanmaz ve onları serbest bırakmaya çalışırsa onu öldürmekle tehdit ederler.

Sanatçı gündelik gerçeklikle yetinmeyen kişidir. Evrensel ideal formların bir tür yansımasını oluşturma umuduyla yeni dünyalar kurmaya çalışır. Platon'un zamanında bu kurgusal gerçeklik heykel ve tiyatroyla oluşturulmaya çalışılıyordu. Daha sonra resim sanatı gelişti ve eski Yunan felsefesinden beslenen rönesansla birlikte büyük bir aşama kaydetti.

Dinler evrensel ideal formları oluşturma yolunda sanatın önemli bir alternatifidir. Hristiyanlık aşkın değerleri ifade etme yolunda resim ve heykelin insanlarda yarattığı duygulardan yararlanma yoluna gitti. Kiliseler sanatsal formların sergilendiği birer merkez görevi gördü. İslam da elbette aşkın duyguları ifade etmek için sanattan yararlandı, ancak camilerde kiliselerden farklı olarak soyut, figüratif öğelerden yararlanıldı.

İslam'ın en bağnaz yorumu olan Vahabi inancında sanat yasaklanmış durumdadır. Bu inancın sahipleri Afganistan'da Taliban ve Suriye'de İşid'in yaptığı üzere, iktidarı ele geçirince, mimari ve sanatsal eserleri vandalca tahrip etme yoluna gittiler.

19.yüzyıla kadar resim, tiyatro, müzik, heykel ve mimari eserler sadece çıplak gözle izlenebilir durumdaydı. Dolayısıyla sanatsal güzelliklerden kısıtlı sayıda insan yararlanabiliyordu. 19. yüzyılın başında fotoğraf makinesi icat edildi.

Lumiere kardeşler 1895 yılında, Paris'te ilk ticari film gösterimini gerçekleştirdi. İlk filmler sessizdi, siyah-beyazdı ve süreleri 1 dakikanın altındaydı. 1927 yılında Warner şirketi tarafından Caz Şarkıcısı isimli ilk sesli film gösterildi. 1929 yılının sonunda artık tüm endüstri sesli filmlere geçmişti. Sinema ve müzik teknolojinin yardımıyla birer endüstriye dönüşmüş ve artık geniş kitleler sanat eserlerine erişebilir hale gelmişlerdi. Bu durumun sanat üzerindeki olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri tartışılabilir. Konuyu dağıtmamak için bu tartışmaya girmeyeceğim.

Sinema iyiydi hoştu, ama edebiyat ve resimde olduğu gibi tüm hayal edilenleri tasvir etmeye izin vermiyordu. Gerçi sinemanın henüz ilk yıllarında çeşitli görsel efektler kullanılmaya başlanmıştı ama yine de gösterilmek istenenlerin büyük ölçüde gerçek olması gerekiyordu. 70'ler ve 80'lerde bilgisayar teknolojisinin yardımıyla görsel efekt teknolojisi durmaksızın gelişti ve sinemanın ufkunu genişletti.

Sinema perdesinde artık seyirciler neredeyse saf hayalden oluşan görüntüler izleme olanağına kavuşmuştu. Ancak sinemanın yine de bir eksiği vardı. Seyirci olayların içine doğrudan dahil olamıyor, sinema perdesindeki kahramanları dışarıdan izlemekle yetiniyordu. Bu aşamada devreye bilgisayar oyunları girdi. Bilgisayar oyunlarında ekrandaki kahramanın hareketleri izleyici tarafından belirlenebiliyor. Oyuncu olayların tam merkezinde yer alıyor.

Bilgisayar oyunlarının sağladığı olanaklar tüketiciler tarafından da takdir ediliyor. 2016 yılında film endüstrisinin gişe gelirleri 38,6 milyar dolar seviyesindeydi. Buna karşılık sadece PC oyunları 34 milyar hasılat yarattı. Buna ek olarak konsol oyunları 30 milyar dolar ve mobil oyunlar 40 milyar dolar gelir yarattılar. Bugün oyun endüstrisi sinema endüstrisinin 2 katından fazla hasılat elde eder durumda.

Yeni nesiller video oyunları üzerinden yaratılan hayal dünyasında vakit geçirmekten çok hoşlanıyor. Örneğin 14 yaşındaki oğlum bilgisayar oyunlarının büyülü dünyasına dalmak konusunda hiçbir fırsatı kaçırmıyor. Benim gibi o da Starcraft seviyor. Protoss, Terran ve Zerg ırklarının saf hayalden oluşan dünyalarında vakit geçirmek ikimize de iyi geliyor.

Artarak süren bu sanallaşma kendinizi çok kaptırdığınızda günlük yaşama ve çevreye yabancılaşmayı da beraberinde getiriyor. Aileler çocuklarının yüzünü görememekten şikayetçi. Hayal aleminde kaybolan çocukların sorumluluklarını yerine getirememesinden endişe ediliyor.

Bilgisayar oyunu meraklılarının Platon'un mağara alegorisine göre içeride mi, dışarıda mı olduğu yoruma göre değişebilir. Sanallaşma doludizgin devam ettiği için gelecekte bunu tartışacak çok vaktimiz olacak.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.

There are 2 pages

People living in addiction of game is I think living inside of the cave and living in non reality world.

Please check this video and I feel sorry who are eaten by the video game.

World of Warcraft comes to mind... I know people who have played that for literally a DECADE! They basically checked out of social life. All of their bodies are a wreck and I doubt many of them will make it to 60. This makes me sad, because many of these people are my friends and I hate to see what is happening to them.

This video is just heart felt...He is already given up on life if he doesn't start to do something different.

Lovely ..
Beautiful painting .. well done
Thank you for sharing your work with us..‏

My first strategic game was starcraft and I'm so addicted to this to a point I have to absent with my class just to play with this game, lol

good article thank you

Bilgisayar oyunu meraklılarının Platon'un mağara alegorisine göre içeride mi, dışarıda mı olduğu yoruma göre değişebilir.

:) Bilgisayar oyunları, hayal alemi kesinlikle insanın gelişimi ve kişiliği için çok faydalı olsaşar da neredeyse aralıksız oynanan oyunlar, ya da günümüzde çok moda olarak; yabancı bir dizinin 10 bölümünü bir oturuşta izlemeler inasnın dünya algısını değiştiriyor ve gerçek dünyaya döndüğü zaman içe kapanıklık, mutsuzluk huzursuzluk yaratıyor.

Zaman zaman bu da yani aralıksız oyun -dizi gibi eylemlerde de bulunulmalı bence ama bu bir yaşam biçimi haline dönüşünce yeni bir mağaranın içinde kalınıyor.

Haklısınız 😃 Ölçü önemli. Kantarın topuzunu kaçırmamak gerek.

Thanks for the information. I warned him.

Don't warn... flag. I just did it for you.

I flagged.

Read it! Loved it!
"Those vandals who do not know how to use the pencil destroyed the history, art, and shot Malala because those who do not know are very afraid of those who know, they are afraid of information, justice, and freedom ..."

He tries to build new worlds in the hope of creating a
kind of reflection of
universal ideal forms.

YES!! That's exactly what creatives try to do. . . Thanks for phrasing that so eloquently!

I'm really impressed about this article. You start with Plato and make a 'bridge' to todays world of imagination and fantasy in gaming.
Don't we all sometimes want to escape 'our world'? In gaming, movies, books, meditation......
It becomes questionable (in my believe) when people escape a lot from their world and sometimes live in the real world.

Nice summary 😃

Thank you x 2 (vote and reply) ;-) very true...I myself at 70, am painting a "fantasy world" that I can put all of my creative and religious and philosophical thoughts art theory world is also given a place to speak in this immersion into "Sebastianism Revisited". As I have deliberately sought a hermitage in the middle of Portugal, away from all the "art-babble" of highstreet....I have found it easier to "hear" my inner voice and concentrate on how to communicate it....yes....a very interesting article.![(J) 1 de novembro.jpg]
sebastian goes to his fathers grave on all saints day to seek advice......he is assailed by african wasps, so his father calls on Nature and Jesus , who sends a european bee-eater who begins eating the wasps....

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the story of Sebastian. I did google on it, but i still don't know exactly what you mean by Sebastianism Revisited.
The first question that came into my mind, before I googled ;-) , On what question did he need advice and why is he assailed by african wasps?

Where are you originally come from? Also from Portugal ?

I think it's brafe to get out of your comfortzone and move to a place to become closer to yourself and your feelings.

Your painting is really beautifull ! Eventhough I don't fully understand the meaning.

Thanks for the statistics on gaming vs cinema I didn't realize that the mobile gaming market was so large!
Our realities are less what we perceive and more what we choose to believe. The older generation often mourns the onset of the digital age, and that it is tearing apart human connection. I see people finding community and social interactions just a mouse click away, and boundaries being torn down by those seeking to evolve mankind into a higher plane of existence.Great existentialist write-up @muratkbesiroglu you had me holding my breath on how you were going to tie Plato into Starcraft!

You are right Plato who do not know him he was great Greek philospher.. One othe saying of him is whatever we see with our eyes in our daily life is just reflection of ideal form . He said it because he was not satified with reality we observe in life..
Photos are amazing and wonder delivering lot of informaton related to different fields..
Thanks for posting such an extraordinary post..

Thank you🤠

Your are welcome it is my plaesure to serve your post by posting wonderful comments..

It's good that I did not live at that time, because art is the best way to interpret our feelings, and as Plato says we have to see beyond our eyes, because sometimes I only look at what we have in front of us and not we know that beyond there are better things, everything that is referring to art is magnificent, and more the music that is the universal language, that is why I always carry my violin with me and it is my best weapon to reach the heart of many people. I really liked reading you these stories I like them a lot

Excellent the way you developed this post, that is, you started the article with the ways in which art was perceived in general in Plato's time and then gave a radical girdo to the present with music, film and videogames, I loved.

I think we all have that curious need to escape reality and live our dreams through a book, a movie, a specific vidiojuego, well, that's what it is, is not it? To entertain ourselves and feel that illusion that we are in an alternate world where we can vent in some other way and also have fun. You have my friend upvote, greetings.

Thank you for your good article.

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Lol awesome Gif , i like 😎

Many of us have to know, many things to learn, really your idea is very good. Your try and thoughts are a lot better.

I can not decide whether the video game enthusiasts are inside or outside, according to Plato's Cave allegory. It depends on the interpretation.
I really do appreciate your objective reasoning. Though I am not a game enthusiasts, or just anything at all but the point is, it depends on how one looks at anything before given a judgement.

Thanks for sharing this awesome post.

what amazing posted pics!


You got a 14.26% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @muratkbesiroglu!

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It's good to read your article. Thanks for writing this article.

An interesting worldview


Socrates, my inspiration. good post. mind blowing and eduction updATE

Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. Splendid work buddy keep it up..

Thanks 👍😎

You're always welcome

This post has received a 25.19 % upvote from @boomerang.



What a perfectly gorgeous post. Full of information and interest.

And the point of the post being... what? I see none. Why this is the first thing I see on trending?

I am Very impressed. Thank you!

Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app, they'll start using it.

Thank your share, special as the images, we are the icons

People have known that there are deeper things for thousands of years. Budha, jesus and thousands of philosophers knew this yet here we are with the vast majority still blind?

As it is a matter of blief, it is different from individual to individual

Thanks for informing.

verry nice and interesthing post

Good story of Platon, entertaining writing, I congratulate you, successes!

the information is very nice, I am also a young time ever enter the gaming world, forgetting to eat and shower, therefore my child now from
restricted to playing games and lots of outside activities

My foto


Interesting information, thanks for sharing it friend, greetings!

I am very impressed
That's great

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Really awsome😍

Hello, i find this topic highly interesting. i am to an extent a game addict, but however, i do not spend the entire day playing games, i only play when i need to ease my mind of the stress remember all work and no play makes jack stressed out. i see games as a means of relaxation same as when some people go to the bar to get drinks and clear their thoughts.

Starcraft hiç beceremiyorum :D

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great creativity . good article also .

This is so amaxing. I feel very happy. Thank you so much <3 <3

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