
So, if you're wondering what's this & why I wrote the title "From Where I Started..."... Then, let's break the silence, shall we?.. This'll be the first post of my journey through the lands of arts...Of course, I'm just at the beginning..I put quite a lot of thought into this & have finally decided that I should continue my ramble through this serene landscape of my dreams..😇😇
To be honest, no one is really teaching me the way of arts & how to explore them properly...All the works that I'll show here are just fragments of my numerous attempts...maybe I'm not gonna be able to present an artwork of entire perfection...But still I'm happy that I'm taking this steps at last...So, any help will obviously be appreciated as I'm completely new in these phase...
And, I'm also in dire need of a basic startup what stages of art should I explore & learn chronologically...Your opinions are kind of my only advice now..So, please share your experience if you'd like..😍💜
❶ So here goes my first one...
Obviously at this stage I'm just messing around with shapes...Trying to understand my surroundings....Trying to change my perception so that I can clearly understand the objects gestures....The leaf above that I drew took me quite some time, cause I'm not used to this much details yet...I used a reference picture for this from the internet...Sorry I couldn't give the link cause I'm having a hard time finding it now...
Also, I'm slowly learning the nature of shades which certainly plays a crucial role when it comes to breathing life into simple shapes & lines....As I'm new, I've decided to first master the most basic things for which I didn't use too much materials or any equipments ...Rather I've drawn these with just a normal HB pencil, a sharpener & an eraser..I haven't even used any sketch books...Just because I wanted to understand these first...
➋ Here are some other ones...
The first things that came to my mind is the things around me...If you see the upper right corner you'll see quite an eraser like figure...There are also some balls, some rectangle thing that I don't remember and a failed attempt to draw a tape...😅😅
Here are some other one's like a cup, a book, a little upside down plate & a sharpener..I know they are not the artworks of your dreams..But yeah it's a start...