My painting is titled: OFF THE WALL formerly titled: LOVE HEART
As per usual, I only start a new painting whenever I feel an internal nudge to begin.
However, on this particular day, I had grown tired of utilizing paintbrushes to apply paint to any surface. In other words, I wanted to use a different tool rather than the norm to express my creative pursuits.
So with my 130gsm quality bare white paper begging for paint, I squeezed black acrylic paint and a smidgen of titanium white on the paper then reached for a palette knife. Yup... a small silver palette knife!
I used the flat edge to form the boxes in quick successions, going across the top from one side to the other. And you can see where a clean palette edge was used to define the thin white lines as well as the thin & thick black spaces.
Not only was I fed up of using brushes to paint, I was also fed up of always using acrylic paint, my medium of choice, and decided in the moment to add water color: orange and red and green.
So I got busy doing and very little thinking...I just allowed my intuition to guide me. Then once I snapped out of my self-absorption, I stood back and thought, WTF...
The 'F' stands for 'Fudge', if you get easily offended by mindless profanity. LOL!
Without further cursing and swearing, I took a snapshot of the image and uploaded it to my computer. For some asinine reason, I've drummed it in my skull that I can see it/things/images clearer when it's on screen.
There, it resembled a map...a map of what....meh....I don't know.
So I thought....okaaay... let's run with this idea
However, there was that hole...staring at me....not really formed and the idea that the world needs so much love instinctively had me form of a pure white heart. Then, decided that if this was going to be some sort of map, then it needed the elements of a global map.
At the bottom right, my pointer finger dipped in orange, white green and blue watercolor created the coastline, sand and sea/ocean.
And as I mentioned before, with abstract, you just have to instinctively know when to stop and put the palette knife down!
I know, I know, this painting gets curiouser and curiouser ...because in the end, the title had nothing to do with the concept on which came about.
Now that I've shared the process, tell me your thoughts, if any.
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Mmmmmmmmm, fudge.
cant tell if the photo is blurry or not.... i like the composition @mongoosely, you def have a gift
It's not actually blurry...this is how it is!Aw sweet...thank you, @web-gnar
hey whatsup have fun on steemit ;)
So far I'm enjoying my time here!Thank you, @koffee I hope you're well!
Hello excellent drawing, I congratulate you, your impeccable technique, I also draw you I invite you to my block...
@darita84 Thank you for your kind words. Thanx for the invitation, I will stop by to view drawings!