Let's Run through some of my favorite images I've made this past week. Because AI lets you experiment with so many genres and styles- these are all over the place.
Why not start with some breakfast. Waffles anyone?
In the middle of the week I dove into some rural "UFO" type stuff. Almost looks like an app widget sucking up a citizen.. forshadowing much?
This image- a little less subtle- but absolutely love the contrast of vast openness, and "being alone" is the character in the forground alone if there is a flying object above him?
Midjourneys Blend tool is out of this world. I love working with some specific abstract images Ive made in the past and blending them with other pixar style images I've created. Some amazing work is produced.
When threads was announced and you started seeing mentions of the "fediverse" it inspired this peace as I saw threads acting as this sort of "skin" to the ACTUAL social network- the fediverse
Afternoon break for some GREEN TEA...
Midjourney has definitely made it possible to create some epic Pixar characters. It has bee great since V4- but now using blend tools and old images- you can create infinite characters..
July 4th firework bird watchers
Just a boy in the big city planting some seeds with his cat
And of course- what I see most "AI ART INFLUENCERS" pushing is trying to create the most "realistic images" This is my 80s style fashion girl. (I truly think I'm the best midjourney artist out there)
Any who- thanks for stopping by, if anyone has any questions about Midjourney, let me know!
With love,