Soft water is the main source in human life, air is a fluid that is needed by the body, about 8 liters / day we must consume it.
Water is the main point to maintain the balance of plants for plants are always in a humid state.
For the water industry is needed for the running of good machinery of textile, etc.
For water ice factory is the main ingredient for making ice itself.
For water technology can be used as a power plant electric current flowing from turbine-turbine rotation of the river which is operated by manual or machine.
Other functions of air as a tool of body hygiene and clothing.The picture is natural and good @velimir
Behind the soft air, this air can also bring disaster to living things, for example floods, tsunamis, heavy rains etc.
Water philosophy looks soft but can pierce the stone a little bit by bit
For man this philosophy can be taken i'tibar it should never give up in business, keep trying and trying to succeed.