Not too long ago, a new #Steemit friend made a video of himself catching a snapping turtle without losing his digits...or harming the turtle.
If you didn't see it - CLICK HERE
Well, after my first public release of a strange mandala, I pretty much swore off drawing for a while. It's time consuming. It's HARD. It's detailed. And lately I've had the attention span of a gnat.
But I think @papa-pepper is a little crazy. I mean.... He puts scorpions in his mouth, catches snakes, and admits he wouldn't mind tackling an alligator. YIKES!
I've only known him a short time, but he is a unique, talented, and down-to-earth soul. A genuine person. If he's not on your list of peeps to follow. Go do it now. Just watch out for his pepper challenges - he may really have a sinister plot to kill us all. Bwa-hahahahaaaa.....
Just so y'all know... I may have OD-ed on doodling to make this turtle, but the exercise was fun (partly because I didn't color this time) and I think the hot pepper man was worth a shout-out.
Turtle doodle
My husband snapped me. LOL - get it?!? Snapped... Oh, never mind.
And that's me - wild hairs and all posing with the final piece of turtle art.
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Very nice your turtle is very sweet. His Steve irwin videos are fun
Lovely turtle doodle!
I like the different patterns.
I stopped in just to see the Turtle....
Then I saw my name all over this post.
Quite frankly, I'm honored.
Also, the Turtle is great!
They are my favorite!
-=[ standing turtle ]=- 3/01
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