When you fail... (art)

in #art2 months ago (edited)


Ok, I don't think I did too great with this one. It started out good, went to better-but-there-is-something-missing and finished as I-hate-it-now.

It happens. The important thing is to leave it and do something else. It might look better in a few days... or you might get an idea how to fix it.

("fixing it" can mean tearing the page, too)

Don't be too precious about your art. It's just paint on paper.

Take care and be well!





Sometimes it happens. Whatever we're creating (whether it's art, writing, or something else) just doesn't feel right.

In this case, it's good but at the "needs something else" stage. What I'm seeing is each pebble having an eye in it, looking back out at the viewer. Not a huge eye, but there and bright, almost 3D. But that's just the way my twisted mind works 😁


Oh, I love that idea! I think I'll make something with it, if you allow it! ☺️

Thank you for the comment! And for the patience waiting for me to pick up Mary again!

I'd love to see what comes out of it ! 😀

I think I've realised what made the idea jump into my head - a while ago while I was working, I had YouTube on in the background, and there was a video about someone making a biblically accurate angel cosplay.

Soooo... many... eyes......