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RE: Saturday Morning Chatter - Art and Washing A Christmas Tree

in #art5 months ago

Lol, it was meant to be hells bells. My autocorrect will be the death of me!!

I am glad to hear it will be your last. I was baffled by it and then terrified that I was missing a trick that everyone did!!

Vintage Aluminum Tree group on face-book... That sounds like a fun group 😃😃


It's amazing how many people have a love for these old trees. One of my Grandmother's had one when I was growing up in the 60s and I was always SO fascinated with it. It was so shiny and the color wheel causing it to slowly change colors and any time someone walked past or the heat came on and made some of it's little "needles" vibrate, they did this happy little shimmer.

Once I was in mid-life and saw one now and then, mostly online, I had a desire to have one. Early on though, I found that if they were in good shape, they were quite expensive if whoever was selling it knew what they had. Of course back then, there was nowhere in my budget to spend that kind of money on such things.

A few years back, when one of my brothers passed and I was feeling very mortal and I (maybe not realistically) decided there were a few "things" that I had totally admired through my life, but never afforded and a few of them I decided I was going to own for a little while before I died. Feeling extra mortal can make you have crazy brain. LOL ! I did not buy a tree immediately, but within a couple of years, I took a chance and got my first one, that is 6 foot and the same fall, yet another of a different style that is also 6 foot. THAT was 1 too many. The next year I bought a 2 foot one to use for Christmas in July because they are so easy to set up and take down.

THEN... last fall, now that I am so rich (ahahahahaha).....I bought the 2 4 foot ones. I don't need anymore. I didn't need more after the first one and yet.......

PS... some folks still find good ones for cheap in yard sales and estate sales and f/b marketplace. You just have to be patient and hunt. I have bought all of mine online