I was almost two months behind on rent and here's what happened...

in #art7 years ago


11 x 14 commissioned drawing, pencil on paper by Matt Philleo

The starving artist phenomenon: we artists hate the stigma, and we work hard to dispel the myth that you have to be living a bohemian life of poverty to be an actual artist.

But as in most myths, there's just enough reality in it to keep it alive.

Most of us do face a struggle in trying to make a living as an artist, or we just give up on the idea completely, and get a "real" job and relegate art to a side hobby.

If we have the time.

I'm a professional artist, and I've been painting portraits and doing illustration work full-time for the past 3 years. Business is going well now.

But a few years ago, when I ventured out, it was pretty rough. If you're an artist, can I get a witness?

Finances were so tight, that were almost two months behind on rent. I had a wife and two small children to provide for. I thought, should I be doing art full time, or was this just a pipe dream?

I was ready to quit.

My wife said, "You didn't put us through all this struggle to quit now. You need to do what God has called you to do!"

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"We need to pray--and fast."

Well, this boy doesn't like to fast. But when it's time to seek God at a higher level, sometimes you have to drop a meal or two to pray with intensity and clarity.

I still remember it clearly. My wife and I were sitting down in the kitchen, praying. And then in the middle of the prayer, I had a thought--

Matt, what would you do if you had that rent money in hand right now? This thought was so clear, I knew it had to be from God. The Holy Spirit speaks to us today.

"Well, I would be thanking you right now, praising you!"

Well, do that right now.

"Okay." I got up. "Thank you, Lord. I have the rent money..." and as I did this, I felt an incredible joy sweep over me. I knew that I knew, I had the rent money. It was as good as done! I stood there, thanking and praising the Lord with joy!

Now it just happened, the next day at church, a man walked up to me and said, "Matt, I'd like to commission you to do some art for me. I don't know what I want, yet but here's a check."


That check was almost everything we needed to get caught up on rent. God provided, and we were back on track!

Although this has happened a few other times, I won't ever forget how God came through for us.

Here is the commission, if I remember correctly, that I did for this man who gave me the check.


It shows a picture of his wife's parents--when they were married, the church they got married in, and then a current picture of them, along with their farm. What's great in a drawing is that you can merge several images together into one cohesive picture.




If you are an artist, and you have struggled, or have found success, would you share your story here? I hope this encourages you that if you do what you were put on this earth to do, God will see to it that you are provided for.

Have a blessed day!


Great testimony of God's promised provision, am actually in that situation right now, unable to pay the month's rent and waiting to see how He will provide..

Your romantic, your love and your atmosphere is very amazing and happiness. I like as pleasant.

Thank you, glad you like it!

@mattphilleo I just cannot get over the detail you are able to get into these drawings. My friend you are truly blessed by God as an artist and one day the whole world will know your name. (even if we aren't here to see it)