Haha, be careful what you wish for... :D
And I never said they were any good at their professions... maybe Lucius (I like that name, btw) should get rid of his Professional Advisor:
Meet Lucius, the Daydreaming Beachcomber from Skull Island, he's the Goatee Groomer of... (to be announced!) Think you got a cool one there! :)
A Beachcomber and Goatee Groomer... the universe certainly has it's mysterious ways!
I guess it does :D
I guess Lucius is very specialized in what he does, haha
and that, contrary to my initial interpretation does speak for the qualifications of his adviser!
That's why they're The Vagabonds - it's impossible to get a grip on them! I've got just a few more, let's see where they're taking this ultimately...