Colorful chickens: how original is this idea?

in #art8 years ago

"Easter chickens" — the idea of dyeing Chicks in all the colors of the rainbow turned out quite original and the whole world it is immediately picked up.

Now in China, India, Morocco, Malaysia, Yemen and even the United States can be bought mixed Chicks.

Colorful chickens now raised on farms, and offered for sale directly on the busy city streets.

And the main buyers of such creative products are mainly parents, little kids, squeaky multi-colored fluffy lumps, come to the indescribable delight, and his: "dad, mom: I want a bird, buy it!!!" get the parents to fork out to buy the child multicolored chicken or a duck.

What is the future of the "adopted" multi-colored chicken? As soon as the chick starts to grow up and he has feathers attached to it an artificial colour is lost, as interest in colored lump.

How to smash Chicks? This is done shortly before from his balls should appear in the chick. Using a syringe to inject a dye, and the colored chickens.

How harmful this procedure is for the unborn chickens? Producers claim that they use natural dyes and harm future mixed Chicks this procedure brings.

Yes, people are constantly trying to improve and embellish the created nature of creation. Take our Pets: cats and dogs, how many unusual new species was derived over the last decades in favor of our whims? But we go further and all that, as we seem to be still not changed by plant breeders and geneticists, we are trying to finish and bring to perfection through their own efforts and at their own discretion. Mowing, trimming and coloring Pets to help us. But we're not enough.

Along with these manipulations, the fashion is creative color for dogs, cats and other Pets to give them a resemblance to wild relatives.
